I sort of feel renewed and inspired, so over the next few days (I hope) I'll share some photos from my trip to Oslo. Starting with...yesterday :p
Then there was a very interesting debate (pictured above) about wheter the larger newspapers really need their own photoagencies (I'm not sure I'm using the term correct here) or wheter it's just as well the photographers are placed in various editorial fields within the paper. Lots of interesting thoughts and perspectives - I agree that the photographer and journalists might need to cooperate more, the photographer needs to be involved in the cases, know it well and stuff in order to carry out his/her assignments well, and at the same time, the photographers being together in one unit and have their own editorial chief would be strengthening their cases and well, they can learn lots of each others? I don't know for real as I havent been in such a unit - I'm the sole photographer at my local newspaper and I do often wish I had others I could console with, ask for advice and exchange ideas with sort of.
Pictured above is Samuel Bollendorff, who had an intriguing speech about his projects, especially interactive documentaries on the web. It looked just like a computer-game to me sort of, with questions from the journalist you could pick between and click and get replied in return and new choices where to go from there. Intriguing, seemed time-consuming and well, certainly a new way to share your photojournalism with the public. I'm slightly bummed I didn't ask him any questions, because I found his work intriguing - I just wasn't sure wheter I got it right, so it would be embarrassing asking something he already did cover or whatever. *cough* He only got one question from the public too, which I thought was a bit embarassing - that he didn't get more questions....I mean - what he talked about seemed to represent a new way to think of photos on the web hm? Ohwell.
Then I went home. Had to snap a photo of the castle (wohoo :p) in Oslo - I remember back in -90 or -91, when the old King died and we went to the castle to pay our respects and lots of people were gathered and there was flowers, pictures, lights and drawings covering the whole front yard. Funny how small memories still sits with you.
I like playing tourist (uhm, I AM a tourist these days) but not in bright daylight - I prefer the dark when it's not so obviously touristy when you drag out a camera. I like to think anyways. :p
Just as I was gonna enter the subway I passed this scene and just HAD to drag out my camera again. There was a lone girl reading a book under the lights.....I just liked the scene. (streetphotography is way easier in the dark too, by the way *cough*)
Can't wait to get home to my own calibrated screen and my own photoshop and play with this picture.
Just as I was gonna enter the subway I passed this scene and just HAD to drag out my camera again. There was a lone girl reading a book under the lights.....I just liked the scene. (streetphotography is way easier in the dark too, by the way *cough*)
Can't wait to get home to my own calibrated screen and my own photoshop and play with this picture.