~Yeah...funny thing, after making my first sponsored layout with Pencillines (aka w/goodies from MM which they sent out) I figured why not add it to their gallery seeing as it was 100% MM. Some days later I got an email from them saying they looked through the gallery and wanted to use my layout in an upcoming blogpost. Now, it's no biggie I know, it's just featured on a blog, but still, it's pretty cool that they picked my layout outta the gallery! Head on over here if you wanna see what layout it was :)
This morning me and Adrian was at the VilVite center (translated it means something like wants to know center) while Simen was at the university. It's a pretty cool place - lots of stuff which you can experiment on and learn more about physics and stuff. I tried the bicycle making you cycle inside a circle. Yes! I kinda span upsidedown all by myself - haha. I let the kiddo have the camera and well, the three photos he took came out very dark - this was the best of them. Ohwell.
Jeg sendte inn en layout til Making Memories sitt eget galleri her forleden, siden jeg hadde laget en LO med 100% MM stuff på. Noen dager etterpå fikk jeg mail fra de - de ville bruke LO'en til en blogpost. Det er nå "bare" en blogpost men ganske så artig for meg :)
Ellers var jeg og guttungen på VilVite senteret idag morges mens vi ventet på Simen som var på universitetet på et informasjonsmøte.. senteret er ganske morsomt og underholdende - basert på en del matematiske og fysiske ting med masse praktiske ting barn og unge (og voksne!) kan prøve for å forstå ting i naturen bedre. Jeg prøvde sentrifugesykkelen - jeg syket rundt et svært hjul - jepp - opp-ned og greier. Haha. Artig.