Yesterday was Pencillinesday and here's my layout. Our guestdesigner this week was none other than the ever so fab Nisa Fiin - and I totally heart her! She seem to be cool and she is such a good scrapbooker and photographer.. Gotta admit I didn't really know what to do with her sketch though - have two photos like that? Hmm.... I was dying to know how she had pulled that off because there was no doubt that she had being fabby and all...but I just didn't think I would be able to... so...I split my photo in two in Photoshop adding a transparent white layer to the left side of the photo for easier journaling and dropped the distance between the two photos. The layout turned out pretty simple - cardstock and American Crafts pp + alpha - kinda boring. Added a few brads but it still looked pretty boring, so I pulled out the pen, drew some swirls along the border (inspired by the pp) and added dabberpaint (watermelon) on it and well, it did look a little better.... still somewhat boring but definately better :)

Spilling the beans!
I'm so *excited*!! You see, I was asked to come down to Stavanger for the Papirfest and do a few classes there for deaf people... how totally cool is that?? I mean - Papirfest is a weekendcrop (oct 5th-7th) with instructors invited all the way over from the US from manufacturers like Bazzill and stuff...and oh it looks like one of my fellow DTmembers will be coming too...and that I'll do a class with her....don't think I can tell who/from where yet, as the final details aren't set in stone...but I'm so excited...!!! And I think it's so cool that they actually thought of deaf people and wanted to give us a chance to attend! I hope I'll meet a lot of deaf girls there too cause you gotta come right? ;p

Look at this mess!
Yikes. "Somebody"'s gotta clean up. Been kinda scrapping pretty much intensively due to various assignments and stuff. Fun, but I get so lazy with putting things back where they belong so *cough* yeah - I guess this is what you get. Ohwell. I'm off to...uh..try to find my desk again. It's somewhere under there I know it!

Yay!! Døve se her:
For døve scrapbookere som måtte være interessert; det blir kurs for døve under Papirfesten i Stavanger 5.-7. oktober! Alle detaljene er ikke helt fastsatt, men det blir muligens et kurs med meg og så skal jeg kurse sammen med en av de amerikanske damene som kommer. Dette er stort; at folkene bak Papirfesten ønsker døve velkommen er jo helt supert og fantastisk!! Så om du ønsker å være med; ta kontakt med meg eller send en email til Papirfesten eller via nettskjema - husk å skrive at du er døv og interessert i å vite mer om kursene som blir tilgjengelige for døve. For de som ikke bor i Stavanger kan jeg fortelle at Papirfesten er ikke bare for stavangerfolk - det kommer flere scrappere fra hele landet og de har egne spesialpriser for hotell: bare ta kontakt for mer informasjon om den biten. Håper virkelig jeg ser mange døve med - dette blir gøy! :)

Ellers ser planen for Bergen slik;

19. september: introduksjonskurs
3. oktober: teknikkurs
17. oktober: minialbumkurs
