Ahh...it's 2.15pm and the NY Turkey is in the oven (I like cooking Turkey for NY/Jan 1st), the Waldorf salad is finished, the dessert (chocolate fondant - mmmh) ready to go when we'll need it and I'm pretty much done cooking for today. Just need to finish the stuffing (which will be cooked in its own pan, not inside the turkey :p) but needed more apples so am waiting for that. Going for a fruit-y-stuffing as one of the guests can't eat shrooms....normally I prefer shroom&bacon stuffing...yum :) The turkey is HUGE - we got one on 8kg (17.6lbs) and I think it's the biggest turkey Ive ever made....we don't have turkey that much kinda ..esp as we don't do Thanksgiving in Norway :p
Oh yes - I'm not sick anymore and I'm relieved because that meant I was able to cook & able to look at food without feeling queasy...yay! Think I'll be careful with the eating-part though...haven't eaten too much the last few days so I assume I shouldnt start eat a lot all of a sudden kinda...we'll see :)
As it's NY I figured I'd share some scrapping-resolutions I've been thinking about a lot lately..do share your resolutions too! :)
- Focus on journaling
Not necessarily page-long novels, but I really want to focus more on the journaling and the contents of it. I've always had a problem with the journaling - what and where are usually fine, but when it comes to stuff like emotions and stuff..well....I've tried to steer clear of that kinda stuff or just been a lil careful with the words because..well I don't really feel like that kinda person and whatever I write looks so silly and so clicheish and stuff (you know when you think stuff through in your head and it sounds great and then you put it on the paper and you just go uh where's the hole in the ground because you feel embarassed about how utterly silly it sounds? kinda happens to me a lot :p) One way to solve it (to me anyways) was to write it down in English. I feel like I can distance myself from the "silliness" easier if I type in English. It's like some of the English songs which sounds totally cool and great but when you think about the lyrics and stuff and what it really means and translate it to Norwegian it just sounds silly/stupid. Sorry! :p Hrm. I'm kinda derailing here. Anyways. More focus on journaling - content/meaning. Not all pages needs journaling - I'm happy to do both - but when I do add journaling I will try to take more than just 1 minute on it (*cough*) - More layouts with multiple photos
I don't think I'm too badly off here - I think my layouts have had a nice balance between single & multiple photos lately. Still, doesn't hurt to not forget about this one. Besides....these days I'm all about using several small small photos. Yumminess! - Include more of the surroundings in the photos
I admit it. I'm a total sucker for closeups of my (adorable!!) kids. I mean, c'mon, look at them!! ;) BUT. I really knew this in advance, but I seem to have forgotten - then I got some old photos from mom some weeks ago and it all came back to me - I LOVE to be able to see the surroundings in the photos. Me as a two year old in my grandmas kitchen....the kitchen's just the same as it's always been all these years.. ahh..the lovely memories.. my recent layout to Pencillines (see above)...that's like 5 mins from my childhood-home, and I remember me and my sister cycling down that slope....I think the barn in the background's gone now...it's things like that I believe my kids will appreciate more than just seeing their own face for the umpteenth time when they grow up..... - Be better with embellishments
I sooo suck at embellishments! I see fancy layouts all around with clever and superb embellishmenting (??)... I wanna be better in that dep too! - Use more colors
I want to be more bold with colors, use more contrasting colors ... maybe have 3 or 4 maincolors or something like that....without it looking messy....! *smile* - Play more :)
Ok, that was my 2007-word but I think I could reuse that one for 2008 :)
That't it.... for now anyways..:)
These two layouts above - first one is for the Pencillines one - with sketch by Russian scrapbooker Olga Lvova! How cool! :D I find it intriguing..no sb-stores in Russia and stuff...check the page to see her tale and layout ..and all the other gals! :) I used dark brown cardstock, some Daisy D & Scenic Route leftovers, Jenni Bowlin rubons (bird), See-D (inque?) stamps and the ubercool journalingspot is from Eli ♥♥♥ The photo shows me one year old with my mom...dad took the picture...we were out strolling.. love this photo ...love scrapping old photos :)
The second layout is for Scrappedugnad and shows the kids+ the neighbourkid making Christmastree-ornaments... with one of them adhered to the layout :) 3ndy Papir was so nice and let us use some of their papers for this Challenge - which was to use Christmastree-ornaments as a part of your page :) My papers are from Lene Solhaug Design :) Thank you so much! :D You have until jan 9th to join this challenge :)
Happy New Year everybody :) Don't drink too much ;)
Kalkunen er i ovnen, desserten er klar (sjokoladefondant) til å stekes og Waldorf-salaten er også klar. Bare stuffingen og sausen gjenstår, men det fikses om ikke alt for lenge :) Årets nyttårskalkun er svær - hele 8 kilo...littegranne mye til ni voksne og to barn, men sånn går det når man shopper kalkun lørdagen før nyttår ;) Kalkunrester er heldigvis godt :)
Jeg er happy - føler meg frisk og håper jeg holder meg sånn nå :)
Ønsker dere alle en riktig fin kveld og et godt nytt år!! Ikke drikk alt for mye da ;)