Ahh I am really remembering why I actually love this season....
We've been doing lots of small nice things lately...like inviting family over for brunch, having the children paint stuff for Christmas and well, enjoying ourselves. Tonight there will be a small celebration at school where we'll walk in a small parade with lights and all and listen to the children sing at school and stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to take some nice pictures in the dark....contemplating wheter to do the 50mm or the 18-200 one. Hmm....anyways..before we move on to the picturgavanza once again - a few words about Pencillines :)

This time we're joined by an italian lady, Patrizia - who provided us with a totally gorgeous sketch - I really loved this one. My own layout however..hm..I think it's dull and missing something, but what? Hmm... love these sassafras papers though! I've added diamond glaze to the dots so they'd turn into epoxystickers kinda - lovely effect but doesn't show properly in the scan...love these photos - Amalie is quick to bring out the tears if she doesn't get what she wants - but she's also pretty easy to distract sometimes - making her forget she's supposed to cry. First photo shows her cryin her lil heart out - on the second she discovered something making her curious and on the third she's trying to get back to crying but not wholeheartedly.....all in mere seconds :p

Ok. Lots of piccies - among them the kids painting Maya Road snowflakes and glittering them for the Christmas tree...me baking flatbread....old tradition stuff, kinda diffcult and timeconsuming but really fun... and oh, I promised mom (and sis) to write in Norwegian aswell so here's a few words in Norwegian :p

Yay - her kommer litt norsk for de som har ønsket seg det (hei mamma og søs! :P).
Vi har gjort en masse små juleting i det siste - malt både gaver og juletrepynt, bakt og invitert folk på søndagsbrunsj, lagd pepperkakelys og pyntet de (amalie elsket denne delen - spiste to nonstop for hver nonstop hun pyntet med - klæsjet masse melis på pepperkakene og pyntet med bare en stakkarslig nonstop midt oppi det hvite etc etc :)

Ellers har vi malt porselenkopper (julegave til oss selv så det gjør ingenting at jeg skriver det her ;p) og chipboard-snøfnugg fra Maya Roads og pyntet med glitter...og så legger jeg ved et par bilder fra flatbrødbakingen min - det tok mye lenger tid enn jeg trodde men det var veldig gøy - har lyst til å bake mer og må iallefall prøve å fikse lefser og....

Ellers fortsetter vi å male stua denne uken - idag hadde jeg en liten pause men imorgen er det på'n igjen! :)