Mmm..still engaged in Christmassy stuff here…
Whipped out lovely 3ndypapir’s Christmas-lines from last year to create a card, matchbox and decorations for a pressie.

Spent last Sunday with the kids’ second cousin and his parents.

The photo above is like, so staged (notice how Amalie’s totally nailing the posing;p).

The photo below however – kids just being kids ;p Kinda love the randomness of the kids positions here..

He’s so cute :)
Unfortunately I forgot to recharge the no more photos from our trip to Vannkanten nor downtown. Bleh.

On Monday we did a little more baking. Gingerbread-cookies! Apparently pretty yummy, according to Amalie…

And on Tuesday we decorated the gingerbread-cookies! Red icing! White icing! Which turned into pink icing within three minutes of decorating thanks to Amalie (who thought it was the most prettiest thing she’d ever seen).

As always – gingerbread-lights! See last year’s version here and the 2007 version here.

I’ve been at home with the kiddo today + yesterday – had to take him home from school cause he didn’t feel ok. He’s much better today though, and will return to school tomorrow…and I did get a fair bit of Christmas-wrapping done- yay.


Check out this peek of future Hambly-posts!:
