Alright, it’s been a while since I devoted a whole post to my kids (bragging is a mothers right, no?), so what’s following now is a few photos of the kids getting their Easter-egg (we’re fortunate having nice grandparents – my mom sends the kids Advent-calendars for Christmas and my husbands mother gives them Easter-eggs = less work for for us, yay!).

So if you're here for scrappy stuff - feel free to just ignore this post :)
Will post some scrappy stuff soon enough :)

(And oh, please ignore the normal state of mess in the background. This was before we did the annual “haul-ass-cleaning-for-Easter” Thanks! =) )

DSC_6369Adrian with his lime-green egg..


“Hey mom, look at me, I laid an egg!” DSC_6372Helping little-sis getting her pink egg outta the plastic-wrap.

DSC_6373“Oh Amalie, don’t open it now!”

DSC_6375“I said no, Amalie! Grandma told us to wait until dad gave the green light!”

DSC_6385a We’re Easter-bunnies laying egg!


DSC_6397Amalie eyeing the egg,…..oh, the temptation..

DSC_6398a Uhoh…


DSC_6403a Totally satisfied!

DSC_6405a What’s in yours?



DSC_6363 Oh, and here’s the look Amalie’s sporting whenever things doesn’t go her way. Which’s like, at least twice a day or more. Aww.. :p

Title: “This used to be my playground” - Madonna