I really love the sketches HegeAL makes – so very inspiring (check it out for yourself!) – so it didn’t take me long to whip up this layout for Papir i Hjertets sketch-contest.
As with the card-contest (see post below), the conditions for this contest – in addition to following the sketch – was to use a sheet of paper thats at least one year old and a non-scrappy item. Well, my 1++ old paper (or rather, transparency – I do hope it’s ok??) was this pink transparency “Grandma’s Wallpaper” which was released for CHA Winter 08 (I’ve had this transparency since fall 08 :) ). So, 1+ year old – check!
As for the non-scrappy item – I’ve saved this piece of black burlap from my son’s pants for a good while – probably for a year or so – so I was pretty happy to finally get to use it. PS! Look at my lovely purple nail(s)!! =)
I used the backside & rubbed my fave letter rub-ons from Hambly on it - “Stamped Alphabet”.
Oh, and look at the cute felt flowers from Fancy Pants & bling from Prima :)
I only glued three of the edges on it to the layout, allowing it to be used as a pocket for my journaling-tag :) It’s sprayed w/glimmer-mist (duh) and embellished with rub-ons, leftover-transparency & a kraft-sticker.
Played some with transparencies & Kraft-stickers on the top…
A closeup of the center of the layout – I like the dimension just folding a sheet of 12x12 cardstock (or patterned paper) instantly gives you – like on this layout I did a while ago.
Hop over to PiH’s blog and join the contest you too – they’re doing the layout & card-contests to celebrate that they’ve been around for three years (a Norwegian b&m- and net-store).
Below is some photos from yesterdays trip to the circus. We had great spots– right in front of the middle. Awesome :) The kids loved the whole thing (although – note to self: do not reveal for them what we’re gonna do until like, we’re actually leaving. Did the mistake of telling them about the circus the day before – and they were sooo looking forward to it & letting us know about it all.the.time :p)
I might share some more circus-photos later on, after they’ve been published. I did spot a few nice ones :)
(oh and look – that’s me in the main-photo here – there were some people from BA there too (a large city-paper) – and I’m the one kneeling & you can only see my knees & camera really :p Having to take photos next to the BA-photographer sure made me nervous – he’s one of the really good ones. :p)
Tudelidu :)