Here it is...our new baby.....our Toyota Corolla...yay :) Will be a few more days before we can actually get it, but's ours!! :)

Thanks for all the cheers I've gotten when it comes to the scrapping....and my upbeat tempo...heh..I love scrapping....and I love it when I'm able to squeeze in every little available moment & devote it to this hobby. And well. I don't have any DT or anything to make stuff to so I'm like, free to do stuff I want to do..and I want to do them all...kinda ;p I've been experimenting some lately. Taking a bit of a laidback approach to the scrapping...doing simple stuff...trying to let go, not think too much, and just play around with new stuff, stuff that's maybe not really me and so on. Like this layout that I combined for DW2007/Dare #49 (eclectic flowers/combine b&w and color photo). I think it's fun to vary and try different stuff....and I just read Karen Russels blogpost about taking challenges, trying other styles that's not you -- if you do a challenge that's similar to your own style....within your comfy zone...then it's not really a *real* challenge now is it? I like what she wrote. Except. I don't think I have any real comfort zones. I enjoy trying new stuff, seek out techniques, well..just...create... have fun....make a layout :)

Anyways. Made a number of hm.....slightly "freestyleish" layouts lately, I feel the need to do some nice and "pretty" layouts now. Just to balance it out some. We'll see. Need to make dinner and clean up some before I can have a look at what's on hand for tonight scrapping :)

Oh. By the way? I've got TONS of pictures yet to be scrapped...and what am I doing? Looking through the temp cat finding these already-scrapped pictures....wanting to scrap them once again. Me not very smart. Jeje :p

Ohyes! Bilen ble vår! Hurra! Er bare et par ting som må fikses før vi endelig kan få den over fjellene - papirer og kontroller og sånn. :) So happy! :D

Synes det er hyggelig å lese alle kommentarene - takk for at dere gidder - og joda..jeg merker jo at det at jeg lager så mye er et gjennomgangstema ;) Vel.. til min "unnskyldning".... jeg er ganske så kjapp for tiden når jeg først skal lage en LO, og finner jeg en ledig stund - samme hvor kort den er - så finner du meg foran scrappebordet (eller foran dataen der jeg redigerer og skriver ut bilder eller scanner LO'er :p). Det kan bli noen sene kvelder ja..... Og så har jeg jo ikke noe å lage layoutene til liksom, så da rekker jeg å bli med på det ene og det andre heromkring - elsker utfordringer, oppgaver og konkurranser,...selv om jeg så og si aldri vinner noe (once in a blue moon det der :p jeg er ganske average når det kommer til konkurranseresultater)...... bare det å lage en LO til "noe" er gøy og det som "keeps me going" ...dessuten..mottoet mitt en må gjennom kvantitet(en) for å komme til kvaliteten... :) Og så er det ikke til å skjule at jeg elsker scrapping...jeg elsker å prøve nye ting, bytte stil hele tiden (føler jeg da...synes ikke jeg har en "fast" stil egentlig..har jeg vel?) og ja...rett og slett... bare...det å lage gøy....:)

Så. Lag en layout idag. Og vær glad! :)

Aah good morning! I'm pretty excited stephdad & uncle are travelling to Hønefoss right now to take a closer look at a car we'd very much like (provided it's actually as nice & good as its advertisment says..which is what they're gonna check :) ). I'm excited and thankful that they want to drive for an hour to have a look at a car for us! And I so hope that the car's as good as it seem to be. Pretty newish (2003) and haven't been that much used. Crossing fingers! was supposed to fly over here today to join us for Adrian's upcoming birthday (he'll turn six...gawd!!)... but she's stuck in Oslo with the flu++ so she had to cancel these plans for now.. I'm sad - both for her and for Adrian - I know she's been looking forward to visit us as usual (it's a tradition - she comes over and stays for a week or so when it's Adrians bday). Ohwell. IF we get that car then maybe she and my stephdad can drive it up here later this week instead when she's better :)

Another layout - made this one for a store-contest (Kreativ Hobby). Didn't win (*pout*) but at least I'll get a little consolidation-prize just for participating, yay..heh. And - I love how this one turned out - once again it's a simple setup, so easy to make...and better yet, I still like it. Tho - not quite sure wheter the ribbons were over the top or not, but ahwell. And yes. That's his "photoface". He yells at me to take his photo and puts it up. Ohwell. He's well-raised - alternates between loving to be taken photos of (aka putting up faces nudging me to take pictures) and just ignoring me allowing me to take more natural shots. Gotta love this kid :)

I updated the slider today btw - been a while since last time and really, I didn't realize I had made that many layouts since last update - and I'm not even able to show them all yet :p I people actually look at these sliders? Hm. Shoot. I know I usually take a brief look at other peoples sliders, especially if it's my first time at their blogs. Maybe I should shuffle the layouts so it won't get too boring for recurring visitors? Hm. :p

Åh, er litt spent idag! Min stefar og onkel er i skrivende stund på vei til Hønefoss for å sjekke ut en bil vi har hatt i kikkerten en stund nå - og den ser virkelig lovende ut! Håper virkelig den er så bra og fin som annonsen lover og at vi snart kan få oss en ny bil - å være avhengig av andre er så utrolig kjipt når man bor på en "liten" bakketopp og med to unger (lazy much eh) :p

Ellers skulle mamma egentlig fly hit for å besøke oss og være her og feire Adrians bursdag (han blir seks år!! jeez...som tiden flyr!!). Det er en fast tradisjon vi har hatt helt siden Adrian ble født - i og med at de bor i Oslo og vi her i Bergen. Da gjelder det å benytte alle anledninger til å komme over og håpe at ungene ikke "glemmer" at de har en bestemor på den andre kanten av landet og liksom :) Men - hun er blitt syk og greier og måtte avlyse besøket inntil videre :( Vi får se. Men - kjøper vi den bilen så har stefaren min sagt at han skal kjøre den over - og da kan de jo komme på besøk litt senere i uken når hun blir bedre da :) Håper det!

Legger ellers ved en LO jeg lagde for en stund siden til Kreativ Hobbys portrett-konkurranse for februar mnd. Vant dessverre ikke, men sitter igjen med en søt LO jeg er veldig fornøyd med. Nok en gang en ganske enkel og kjapp LO - enten begynner jeg å bli lat (siden det har blitt en del av de i det siste..."kjappe" layouts..) eller begynner jeg å bli litt trent i det å sette sammen LO'er at det kanskje går litt kjappere og føles enklere? Hmm. Jeg tror egentlig det er latskap da - men so what når det funker og jeg er fornøyd.. :p

Jaja - ha en riktig god dag alle sammen - og en flott uke fremover - idag starter vinterferien her på Vestlandet (eller vel, iallefall her i Bergen) - yay :)

Saturday. It's been very quiet around here today. I think it's thanks to Cartoon Network. Yep. Finally got around to order extra TV channels etc when the kiddo asked us why "everybody else" had CN and we didn't. He was just wondering and slightly puzzled by this "fact" we thought it was about time to broaden the TV-assortment. Here he is watching the TV :p He can't sit still so he always keep finding new positions while watching :p I made two layouts yesterday - simple ones but I like them that way. I like playing around with the diff styles and this one in particular made me think of Elsie's because of the border. And the fact that I made the "sweetheart" title myself inspired by Nisa Fiin kinda adds to the whimsy-Elsie-style. I think? It's fun. I think I'll make more layouts with such a fun border & maybe my own handwriting in the title. And oh. These flowers. Got them from mom+sis++ aren't they beautiful? I do love fresh flowers. When I'll get rich I'll make sure to have fresh flowers always in my home! :)

Now. Hungry. No car means we're dependant on others to do the groceries etc. Kinda hard when we're so used to having a car.... hopefully we'll manage to find a new one by the next week - am searching and searching and I think we're closing in on finding out what we really want from a car. Anyways..gonna make food then go down to borrow mother-in-laws car to do the groceries!

Igår fikk vi endelig fikset på parabolantennen vi fikk tidligere i uka slik at vi faktisk kunne få TV-kanalene vi har betalt for på TVskjermene vå den vesle hybel-TV-antennen (som faktisk har fulgt meg siden hybeldagene mine) har vi bare fått inn fire TV-kanaler - NRK, NRK2, TV2 og TVNorge..nå har vi plutselig ca 40 TV-kanaler, alle i perfekt kvalitet (TV-antennen begynner å dra på årene ja..). Det eneste dumme er at vi faktisk ikke har TV2 eller TVNorge nå, så antennen må fortsatt beholdes gitt..bleh. Men - guttungen er storfornøyd med å få Cartoon Network på TV-skjermen hans - han har registrert at denne kanalen finnes hos "alle andre" enn oss og lurt litt på hvorfor....ikke mast - bare vært litt forundret over det. Så da tenkte vi at mjo - guttungen burde kanskje få tilgang til noen flere TV-kanaler så han ikke helt merker hvor fattige vi egentlig er :p Så voila...nå får vi en guttunge som blir TV-slave istedetfor dataspill-slave for noen uker fremover gitt :p

Jeje...LO'en ble laget til en DW2007-utfordring, og selv om den er ganske enkel så merker jeg at jeg liker sånne enkle LO'er :) De gjør meg litt glad...kanskje fordi det ikke tar så lang tid å bli ferdig med nok et bilde i den svære "må-scrappe"-bunka mi og jeg kan fortsette på den neste :)

Christine: Ja - "a deck of you" tar utgangspunkt i helt vanlige kortstokk - det er 52 kort i et kortstokk og 52 uker i året - 52 utfordringer :) De fåes for mellom 10-20 kr i butikken og er veldig morsomme å jobbe med! Vil anbefale å ikke kjøpe kortstokk med "plastbelegg" på - det er ikke helt enkelt å klatte maling eller flytende lim på de da...tror jeg skal se meg om etter et nytt kortstokk snart som har en helt vanlig papiroverflate, for dette har irritert meg en stund :) Linken til Emilys utfordringer ligger på siden her - Emily Falconbridge - så det er bare å finne deg et kortstokk og slenge deg på utfordringen du også :)

Hehe...I kinda didn't read the text as close as I should have when making the last Em-card - but begones! I made a new one now! With the correct theme! My shoe-story.....well....these shoes....right...the short version? Don't buy shoes on the net. You'd think that'd be obvious, and it really is......unless youre able to try the exact same shoe at your local shoestore before purchasing them on the net...but well..alright...where to start..uhm... ok... Victorias Secret. I LOVE the store. It was my favourite spendingplace before I found scrapping (Can't afford spend stuff on non-scrapbookingstuff these days hehe). But as the store only excists in the US I had to do all my orders over the net. One day I saw these shoes. Woah! Totally cool shoes. I knew it wasn't particulary smart, but I just HAD to get me these shoes. So - I ordered these...I think they were on sale by then - 25-35$. Once they arrived I found out that they were too small ofcourse. BLeh. I had to return them, and talking with the VS costumerservice they told me to please use UPS which they were using for shipping. Right. I found the little UPS office here in Bergen and the guy behind the counter was nice enough, helping me out filling forms and stuff. When asked about the shippingprice he said he wasn't totally sure but it'd most likely be around 250-300 NOK, which is like 48$ max. Ouch. Tad more pricey than I imagined, but heck. I really wanted the shoes so I told him fine, I'll return them. After some weeks the bill arrived in the mail. The shipping price? 1200 NOK which's like 190$!!!!!!!!! OMG!?!? What the..!? Hello???
Calling the UPS headquarter to ask if this surely must have been a mistake they told me nope, that's the right price, and also added that I shouldn't have asked the guy at the UPS OFFICE for a price inquiry, he wasn't competent enough to tell (NO shit...) and I should have called directly to the UPS main office in Oslo to ask for the prices (how would I know when I'm at the UPS office and theyres a guy working for UPS there helping me out....not telling me that I should call the HQs for prices...I wouldnt know myself kinda!?) ..... they later added that the guy I spoke to denied that he'd given me any priceestimate (as if I'd send a packet without knowing the price in advance!??) and that I was shit outta luck and had to pay and I should have known that 2-300NOK was too little anyways (said with a snort). Right. That was the last time I ever bought anything from Victorias Secret (*sigh*), and the last time I ever trust UPS. If forced to use any kind of mailservice I'd go for Fed-Ex or someone else just because UPS called me a liar straight to my face and well... sigh.... hello..... would I actually spend 190$ to return a pair of 30$ shoes if I had known?? *sigh* Anyways. After a few weeks of quarreling and lawyers involved I had to give up. And pay. And yes. Tbh. At some point I really really wanted to just grab a bat and head to the UPS office and kick the stupid guy senseless for 1. giving me the totally wrong price (at least he could have given me more realistic prices like saying it'd about 80-100$ - I'd SO back up by then and rather resell or give away the shoes) 2. denying that he ever did so. No, I didn't, but I sure wanted to.

I love these shoes though (I got new ones from VS after returning the first shoes natch). They're the most expensive shoes I've ever had and will ever have. And I aint gonna throw them away, I'm gonna use them till I'm dead and maybe..then maybe..they'll be worth the price. And I'll carry with me a grudge against UPS and stupid lying officemen and hq-women telling me that this wasn't uncommon, people *claiming* (emphasise "claim" - as if *I* was trying to scam them) they didn't know/got the wrong price and refusing to pay the real price (but then again why why why would I ever think the UPSofficeman would lie about that to me...if he really didn't know why the heck didnt he just say so but he didnt just said he thought it'd be 48$ and well hello 190$ is WAY more than 48$ dude). Now that's my shoestory and thank you for reading. Kick ass ~~

Ok. I'm calm now. This really ripped a bad bad bad story. I love my shoes. They look good on me. Period. And want to forget all about evil stupid lying men and women.

Anyways. I need help!! Should I buy the cutecute "fatbirds" stamps from Bampop or should I not?? They're so cute! But I know...I won't be using them that that'd be a waste.....but still..cute birds! And the name! "Fatbirds"! Aww..

Her er min ordentlige uke#7 kort i Em's "A deck of you" challenge, etter en liten misforståelse tidligere i uka :p Disse skoene .... har en lang forhistorie. Dyreste skoene mine ever. Dyrere enn bryllupsskoene med alle omkostningene :P Gidder ikke gjenta historien her (den kan leses på engelsk), men jeg sier bare en ting; ned med UPS.

week 6: my love
What?! Now that's a very important lesson to learn..and no, I wasn't crazy enough to actually let her taste some yellow was just a quote Simen said when he was shown the pictures and I thought it was funny (and important!!)

Oh dear ...heh...I recently got disqualified in a contest because my layout didn't look that much like the sketch we were supposed to follow. Hm. Ohwell. I got a pretty layout outta it and I'll see if I can fix another one which is more sketchy this time...I originally intended to do it different (and maybe more sketchy) but someone else already did that idea when I got around to finally scrap and it'd be too noticeably similar (and diff from the sketch-directions)....we'll see, maybe I'll go for that idea this time then as she got hers approved :p I'm also doing another sketch - a doublespread - which in the end may and may not look like the original sketch. I'm so bad at sketches :p

Anyways. I'm back home and I'm feeling okay. No direct pains, but a lot of uncomfortiness & I get exhausted easier....or maybe it's because I'm stressing (trying to finish a layout) & then it hurts extra because of the stressing..and when I stress...or feel like I'm stressing..I kinda panic and feel not too well I've noticed. Weird. Maybe it's just mee looking for these symptoms and thus noticing them...I's tiresome getting this exhausted so fast...I got so much I wanna and need to do!!!! I don't have time to keep gettin dizzy and exhausted and having to slow down! :P Finished two cards and am up to date with Em's "Deck of you"! Yay! Used some hospitalpictures this time...and stuff from the hospital...lazylazy...:p I've been looking forward to make week 6 - my love card.....and this picture is from the hospital..when he took me home...after uh, six days at the hospital..and I remember being very very grateful for my love!

Edit: LOL.....I'm so my hazed & stressed state I read wrong on Em's challenge for this says "shoes - whats your story"....not just "what's your story" as in any story....*blush* Off I go to remake that card :P

Hehe....ble visst diska i en skissekonkurranse, så her er LO'en. Har ennå litt tid på meg til å prøve meg på nytt, så vi får se om jeg rekker den...det går helt sikkert...:p Holder ellers på med Hetal's dobbel-skisse-konkurranse på Minneriket - også den kommer til å bli litt anerledes fra selve skissen ser jeg - men vi får se hvor forskjellig..:p Og så har BG og Cherry Arte og noen BamPop stempler funnet veien til Papirloftet - BG fikk jeg raska med meg da de ankom (og allerede da var noen papirer utsolgte..bleh!), men CA og stemplene tenker jeg å vente litt med til påfyllen av BG kommer...eller noe sånt...får se....må ha...måha!! *smile*

Er ellers endelig ajour med Em's "Deck of you" utfordring - yay! Uke 6 har jeg gledet meg lenge til å lage, og når det kom til stykket...så ble det jeg liker den for det (med et bilde fra da Simen hentet meg hjem fra love :) ) :) to work I go! So many plans, so little time.....blir så alt for lett utslitt for tiden...irriterende...jeg vil scrappe!!

Edit: haha....leste feil i forbifarten...sånn går det når man stresser og vil gjøre 1000 ting ferdig..ukens oppgave var "shoes - what's your story"....ikke bare "what's your story".....som i at vi kan velge våre historier.....*blush* får ta det kortet (uke 7) senere ikveld :)

16022007153.jpg, originally uploaded by aniia.
How does the pic look? I took it late in the evening with little light..and the graph-card of this laptop sucks so I can't even judge the

Dear hospital-diary!

I had the most weirdest dream tonight. It involved water, a whale whom we could enter and play with in the tummy just like a water-landtoy kinda, some dolphins, a mammoth and...a unicorn. As all the animals were leaving into the big forest-sea (I know...weird dream :p) the unicorn came and tapped me thrice, making me brighter. Anyone knows what a unicorn stands for? It seemed so real. It's been ages since I had such dreams.

I'm being a nice girl. Grateful for the painkillers I can get my hands on and goes to sleep fairly early. I'm helping the other nice old ladies in my room with cleaning their foodtrays and bringing them coffee. My diet isn't going too well, my plan of eating barely enough to get stuffed but no more (cause the food really isn't all that most of the time, ugh) kinda was ruined by Simen bringing me takeaway pizza yesterday. Italian style pizza with blue of my faves....damn! :p The two of us eating takeawaypizza at the end of the corridor ...does that spell "your food sucks" loud enough to the nurses passing by? Hm. Nurses&docs: no offense but the hospitalfood really isn't...uh....all that. :p They say I'll most likely go home on monday. Yay! Hope I'm feeling good enough to scrap some once I get home! Been drawing some sketches and looking at ideas in the mags. Just hope I'll get enough painkillers with me so that I can scrap...cause tbh I don't feel like doing too much at this state atm..but dunno...maybe scrapping will do me good..I miss doing creative stuff for sure. Just a few more days....

Simen and the kids will drop by today. Looking forward to see the kids. Hope I don't scare them too much...

Jada..kjeder meg her på sykehuset...har tatt noen mobilbilder av random ting men er så usikker på kvaliteten..lasta de opp på flickr men får ikke sett bildene skikkelig på denne laptopen..all grafikken ser like elendig ut...selv på bilder jeg vet på forhånd er fine..jeje. Simen kommer innom med ungene idag..det skal bli hyggelig...bare jeg ikke skremmer de for mye..? :s Har iallefall ønska meg en "morsdags-valentines-sykehus-gave". Det er nå bare rett og rimelig? :p Tre i ett....det er jo...billig det...:p Så får vi se da....:p

Ooooo...yes, I'm in pain and still not allowed to get painkillers less than once every four hours or so (BLEH) BUT!!! When I opened my mailbox this headline greeted me: ANNE JO YOU'RE A SUGARLOAF WINNER! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I get to chose five sets of sugarloaf stamps and I'm soooo happy!! *almost* makes the pain go away...well..almost...or alright, it's not, I'm lying, but I'm really excited still :D

Anyways. The surgery. Went fine. The doctors were happy (I don't think they'd tell me if they weren't tho so hmm). On my way to the surgery at around eight or so I was sitting in my "bed" thinking oo cool...I need to bring my cam next time, there's really lots of small cool things on the way like cool signs cool lamps cool stuff I need to take pictures of...then there were people then there were this narcotics thing...then I don't recall anything more until I woke up around seven or so same Long story short. I'm fine. It pains and is uncomfortable, but it's slightly bearable. The antibiotics they're giving me four times a day actually hurts. I've been sleeping a lot. The food haven't been all that. Good. I need to shed some pounds anyways. Crossing fingers. Simen dropped by today. Very nice to see him. Very nice. And then the mail. Made me happy :) :) Simen talked about bringing the kids here tomorrow. I'm not too positive. I miss them but I don't want them to see me like this. I'm really a mess now. Ohwell. Enough complaining. I'm fine and *so* looking forward to get rid of all this pain and uncomfiness! And thank you for your comments and thoughts...really appreciate them..especially now :) *hugs*

Operasjonen gikk bra og jeg er nå ved bevissthet....sov ganske mye de første 24 timene men begynner å kvikne til nå (men samtidig begynner smertene å bli ganske merkbare da bleh). Simen var her tidligere idag - veldig godt å se ham! Nå håper jeg bare jeg får en kjapp recovery og at smertene vil gi seg og at jeg kan komme hjem så snart som mulig.... jeg får antibiotika intraventøst og det gjør faktisk vondt.....og det må jeg fortsette med å få fire ganger om dagen i fire-fem dager til...så lenge må jeg være her ja...urk..menmen... da jeg følte meg vel nok til å logge meg på idag så fikk jeg en hyggelig mailbeskjed; jeg har vunnet fem valgfrie sett med sugarloaf stempler!! WEEE!! *happy* sååå kult :D Det lyste virkelig opp sykehusdagen min :) Nå skal jeg sjekke hvilke fem stempler jeg vil ha ..jeg har allerede bestemt meg for tre...:) a bed at the hospital itself as the hotel was overbooked. The long, boring hours were spent chatting on msn and browsing through sites I haven't been to for a long long time - like WTFcomics (it's still going strong and it's still haven't lost it's touch! Love it!) and Urban Dictionary. I'm first in the line for tomorrows surgery. Yay. I think. Ohwell. Time to get some sleep I you Simen xoxo

Ahh... once again I'm here at the hospital waiting.. lucky me that mother in law is so nice (driving me here + letting me borrow her laptop while staying here) and that the hospital has such a nice free wireless network. I only got to scrap one layout yesterday, as opposed to the planned two...and five minutes into the hospital I'm already itching to go home and just scrap. Hrm. Ahwell, such is life - can't always do what one wants to do. Or something like that :P
Anyways. This layout. The last layout (No Amalie!) had me thinking....Adrian really is such a cute and throughout GOOD boy. I'm not saying this just because I'm his mommy, really... but he's so considerable....always thinking of others... never the one to hit back - he rather retreats and gets sad and starts crying. He always lets his cousin and littlesis mess with him (alright, when they're playing they can be a bit too much, but once it gets serious and he's hurt by either words or actions it's snap - retreat). I love that trait in him - that he's so nice and good and friends with everybody....and stays outta trouble...for now... but I do hope he gets a little bit tougher...starts saying "no, that hurts, I don't want to play this way" instead of just crying and sulking away. My good boy. Ofcourse. Much can and probably will change once he hits elementary school...this fast... I hope for the better...that he still will be my little good and nice boy...but also a boy who stands for himself...and who'll defend himself if needed... it's a tough world out there....better learn it sooner than later?

Jaja, da var jeg tilbake på sykehuset gitt.... snille svigermor kjørte meg hit + lot meg få låne laptopen sin sånn at jeg kan surfe og sånn her mens jeg venter på å få snakket med alle legene og sånn (vanlig prosedyre før operasjoner - samtale med alle involverte dagen før operasjonen).. den hyggelige sykepleiersken jeg hadde her sist husket meg og kom bort og sa at jeg måtte fortelle legene at nå *skal* de operere meg...og være bestemt med dem....hehe... joda.. jeg er visst nr 1 i operasjonskøen imorgen tidlig, så jeg blir tatt inn først og det skal liksom ikke være mulig å få utsatt operasjonen nok en gang liksom... så...det er jo fint å vite, men litt skummelt og...

Ellers har jeg tenkt en god del på Adrian min etter siste layout, "Nei, Amalie!". Og faktisk - han ER virkelig snill den gutten min. Og jeg mener det. Ikke bare fordi jeg er mamma'n hans, men fordi han faktisk er gjennomgående snill og god. Han tar ikke igjen og det finnes ikke vondt i ham. Konflikter skyr han unna og trekker seg heller bort og blir lei seg - ofte så lei at han begynner å gråte. Altså - han elsker å leke - og kan være litt voldsom i leken avogtil - Amalie feks elsker den litt røffe behandlingen hun får når hun leker med ham... men så snart det blir alvor...enten ved ord eller handling... da trekker han seg bare unna og reagerer med å bli lei seg. Gjør noen andre ting han ikke liker....så burde han bli flinkere til å siifra istedetfor å bare bli lei seg og gråte. Jeg liker dette trekket ved ham - at han er så snill og god - og håper han får bevare det så godt som mulig. MEN.... jeg håper han blir flinkere til å siifra med ord..nei....dette liker jeg ikke...dette aksepterer jeg ikke... og blir litt flinkere til å stå for seg selv og kanskje bli litt mer tykkhudet og. Da jeg og min kjære søster (hallo lillesøs :p) var små så var vi ikke alltid like snille og greie (*cough*). Vi sloss ofte og det var en god del småkjekling og "ta-igjen-ved-å-slå" på oss da. Sånt finnes bare ikke hos Adrian. Snille søte gutten min! et halvt år så må jeg vel trekke tilbake alt jeg sier for da begynner han på skolen og da blir det kanskje andre boller? Vi får se :) Uansett så lagde jeg denne layouten til PG's scrapliftcup - liftet Rita denne gangen - og hadde alle disse tankene i bakhodet. Det ble ikke plass til å skrive så mye som jeg ville si på layouten - og kanskje ikke det viktigste det er jo det som er så greit med blogs og kan legge til det man vil si da. Så får jeg heller vurdere om dette er noe jeg vil skrive ned og legge ved denne layouten senere, eller om jeg skal la vær å gjøre Adrian flau når han blir stor nok til å kunne lese layoutene mine selv ;)

PS! jeg DIGGER sirkler!! Digg digg digg digg! :D

Say...if you ever needed proof what a lousy and bad mommy I am, look no further - here it is! :p Watching Amalie creep up to Adrian while he was quite focused on his toys (Geomag, a big hit here) I just knew what was gonna happen - and prepared my camera accordingly. Oh yes. I could have stopped her. I knew this would mean disaster for Adrian. Still, I just grabbed my camera and got into position. And indeed - as soon as she had climbed upon her chair she grabbed a big chunk in the middle of the spaceship that Adrian was building and .....destroyed half the spaceship. Poor poor Adrian. When things like this happens he just turns sad and starts crying (which ofcourse is way better than say, him going mad and hitting Amalie...he's never been that kind of kid who resolves to "violence"...still...kinda need to unsissy him..or something like that :p) . Amalie ofcourse is pretty untouched by Adrians crying. Bad bad mommy! Bad! :p

Right now I'm trying to wrap up some stuff - need to do some phonecalls, need to write some emails, need to finish at least one layout - my mind's kinda chaotic now - thinking of tomorrow and thinking of all the things I shoulda finished before so. Going to the hospital once again ... have to go through the same preparations as I did last time (interviews with various doctors etc) then's time for the first part of the surgeriesI'll have to undergo this year. I'm saying maybe cause well, it's been postponed thrice, and I really really don't think they'll postpone it a fourth time - but you never know eh. But really... I think this time it's surgeontime. I'll most likely be able to borrow mother-in-law's laptop and be surfing from the hospital (love their wireless net!). The interviewpart is so boring, and there's a lot of waiting, so it'll be good to be able to surf around while waiting. And if things goes well I'll be blogging from the hospital aswell :p

Trenger man bevis på at jeg er en fryktelig slem slem mamma så får man det servert på denne layouten her. Da jeg så at Amalie prøvde å komme seg opp på stolen ved siden av en dypt konsentrert Adrian (som lekte med Geomag'ene sine) visste jeg med en gang hva som kom til å skje. Jeg visste at det ikke ville bli så veldig morsomt for Adrian sin del, og jeg *kunne* ha forhindret det ved å ta vekk gjorde jeg? Oh yes. Tok frem kameraet og gjorde meg klar til å knipse det som snart utfoldet seg foran meg; Amalie som også vil leke med Geomag men ikke ta de fra boksen men heller ødelegge Adrians fine romskip.... stakkars Adrian! Når sånt skjer så blir han så veldig fortvilet og begynner å grine....mens Amalie stort sett virker ganske så uberørt av Adrians tuting... (og mamma bare knipser...oops!). Stakkars gutten min. Han har aldri vært av den typen som slår, og han trekker seg heller unna og begynner å grine om det er noe ubehagelig som skjer. Jovisst kan han leke tøft og "lekesloss" og sånn, og det kan bli litt voldsomt denne leken, men blir det alvor så er det straks ikke noe for ham. Sånn har han vært helt siden han var liten - da han var mindre var han mer den som var diplomatisk og som prøvde å megle mellom de andre som kranglet....og som ble lei seg på de andres vegne om det ikke gikk... jeg vet ikke om han fortsatt inntar meglerrollen, men han har aldri vært involvert i sånn bråk såvidt jeg vet - han er bare venner med alle..og blir lett lei seg bare misforståelser skjer. Menmen. At han er snill og grei er selvsagt bare jeg håper han blir (bare) litt tøffere og ikke inntar offerrollen alltid.

Ellers er det nok en gang tid for sykehusopphold - eller altså - denne første operasjonen er blitt utsatt hele tre ganger nå, så jeg vet ikke helt - alle gode ting er tre og siden de har utsatt meg så ofte så må de vel bare gjennomføre det denne gangen? Vi får se... imorgen er det iallefall tid for intervjurunder etc, og er jeg heldig får jeg lånt svigermors laptop nok en gang så jeg kan surfe litt innimellom all den kjedelige ventingen på sykehusets trådløse nett. Hurra for trådløse nett! :)

Look at this cute cute cute face!! I love it when he wants me to take pictures of him and goes like this right before the picture is taken - raised eyebrows and a "surprised" expression. Right now he and Simen are playing WoW together - and it's so cute listening to their conversations. *gasps loudly* "Daddy daddy I got two on me!! And oh add that pig too daddy!!" "Where are you?" "I'm here..right here!! Daddy come!! They're on me!" "Just run to me" "But dad! They're still on me!" *chuckle* Kinda sweet. Am still on the lookout for a new car - going to sign some papers next week allowing us to purchase a new car. Most likely it'll be an Opel Astra or something like that - that's the most sensible...but I *so* want a Toyota Avensis or Opel Zafira....or Kia Carnival, they looked cool too. Jeje. Am also headed to the hospital next week - maybe...just maybe...they'll finally start on the surgeon...unless they feel like postponing it a 4th time. *rolls eyes* Anyways. Adding a layout I did by using a sketch. Kinda wrong succession if you look closer at the pictures, but that's what happens when you go ahead and print the pictures *then* finds out what sketch to use and it's all wrong and you're too lazy (or too cheap :p) to do a new print. Love how she started out bringing boxes and chairs to get to what she wanted pretty early - some months before these pictures were taken - but I think these are the best I got from that situation.

Hehe, digger det når Simen og Adrian spiller WoW sammen - "gasp" "pappa pappa! jeg har to på meg!! til og med en gris har jeg på meg og! kom og hjelp meg!" "hvor er du hen?" "jada jada pappa jeg er her..her..." hehe. Litt søtt å høre på dem da avogtil :) Særlig når Adrian skal forklare ting for oss...:p Ellers digger jeg det når Adrian gjør ansikt når han skal bli fotografert - han synes det er så gøy selv og er helt fotovant....noen ganger poserer han, andre ganger later han som om jeg ikke er der og andre ganger igjen så...bare er han seg selv...og roper på meg om han synes jeg har gått glipp av et motiv eller to ;) Han har tydeligvis vokst opp med en paparazzimamma, ja :p Layouten ble laget til en skissekonkurranse hos Hobbykroken... digget muligheten til å ta frem Charlotte-papirene fra Scenic Route - de er så fine, men har brukt de alt for lite.. og ja - jeg vet at "rekkefølgen" på bildene ikke er allverdens - sånn går det når man skriver ut bildene før en finner seg en skisse og ikke gidder å skrive de ut på nytt igjen ;)

Week 4: Symbol Week 5: ephemera
Is it really the sun?? No wai! Not here in Bergen?
This is what happens when you're slightly upset at your hubby and he gets to the alphacookies..
My cup! Tea w/honey ofc!
I know I've shown my shelf before, but really. I like it so much :)

Allright! As I missed last weeks' card challenge I did two today, and for good measurement I think I'll just throw in some random pictures. I got this crazy little challenge from Heidi yesterday...the one where I'm supposed to lift Catrine's doublespread with like, a gazillion piccies. One of the suggestions I liked was to display my fave things. I think I'll call it...."things that makes me happy". It'll take a while though, I said....gazillion of pictures needed! So. Better get started, no? :) And look! A picture of the sun! In Bergen! Woah! :p

Fikk endelig gjort uke 4+5 til Em's kortutfordring...a deck of you..... & siden jeg tenkte at LO'en til Heidi's utfordring skulle være av folk/ting jeg er glad i...eller gjør meg glad... så det bare å sette igang med å ta bilder...eller? :P Dette kommer til å ta litt tid gitt :p Patience Heidi!! :D

Oooh can you imagine? I've finished four layouts today! Do I hear a "faint"? I know. New record I think. Must be the recovery from this weekend making me so antsy to scrap. Two layouts to the M-game, one for a contest at Scraphaugen and another for Scenic Route's monthly challenge (check out their new site! It's brand new! With a totally new logo too! cool! :) ) which I paired with a DW2007 challenge aswell, feb 9th - "use centers of punch out letters to make coordinating page accents". Well. That one was tough to interpret cause the layout both used alternative use of the leftoverchipboard *and* the outlines of the chipboard. So after a quick discussion on msn with some other scrappers I *think* we came to the conclusion that it just meant alternative use of leftoverchipboard. So. Made photocorners from the leftovers and turned them into a pile-thingie. As you can see I had lots of fun with Amalie last night just before bed. She grabbed some hair-rollers and I had to take pictures of her...both before and after she got her nightgown on :) The Scenic Route layout reads "Future Diva To Be"...cause that's what hits me when I see her look on that picture..and I finally got around to use this megacool coaster! YAY! I knew I was saving that one for a reason! :D The scraphaugen-layout is a lift of Rulle. And! I'm so happy that Minneriket finally got a group together to do DW2007-layouts together! YAY! Come join us - there will be drawings for those who'll complete at least 20 weeks :) OOH! Check out this totally cool new concept! Scrapjacked! Haha. Think I'll try keep an eye on what's happening there :)

Hihi - idag har jeg faktisk scrappet hele fire layouts! Må være sykdommen i helgen som har gjort at jeg har savnet scrappingen litt (selv om tempoet er høyt nok fra før av liksom), så... to layouts til the M-game på Minneriket, en til Scraphaugen-konkurransen der vi skulle lifte Rulle, og en til Scenic Route's månedlige utfordring som ble fluet med en DW2007-oppgave. Snakker om Dw2007 - Minneriket har opprettet en egen "støttegruppe" for de som vil være med og gjøre oppgavene i kalenderen. Bli med da vel enten du har kalenderen eller ikke! :) Og når vi snakker om Minneriket - Hetal gikk *litt* berserk der idag og utfordret folk i hytt og pine...*fnis*...nei...jeg slapp ikke unna jeg nei....*faint* etter å ha tenkt litt på "oppgaven" og fått input fra andre så tror jeg jeg skal greie den...må bare samle opp nok bilder...*faint*.....snik deg inn til "Kick my B-hind" og få med deg den generelle utfordringen hennes du også du tør :D Nå er det sent og på høy tid å legge meg - imorgen er atter en guttungen bittelite tilbakeanfall for ham her på sofaen nå ikveld. Ugh.

Edit: Aw. Adrian er så søt. Da han så bildet av layouten her på bloggen imorges så smålo han og sa at Amalie er litt morsom avogtil...og så måtte han få se LO'en irl (siden han sov da jeg lagde den) og synes Amalie var søt...right on! :)

No barfing in sight so far from the kids. Crossing fingers that it'll continue all night so we can ship'em off to the kindergarten tomorrow. After my last post here on friday I really turned ill myself - and so did our oldest son. No sleep at all for me that night - at least not until 8 in the morning - ugh! I'll save you for the gross details - am feeling much better today - at least I'm not runnin down the toilet thank god.

Over to cute stuff! Amalie's grown so big. She's opening the doors all by herself now. I'm so gonna act like a good paparazzimommy when I'm better and snap some proof for a future layout. :) And I did feel well enough to scrap a layout today - for the M-game. I'm aiming for quantity when it comes to that game heh. Anyways. 87 eyelets set. Blister gained. And a wow to never, never, never use eyelets again ever...for at least some weeks. Can't show it now, as it's for this months M-game at Minneriket, but I can show some of my january-M layouts :) Now. Play. My word for 2007. I feel like I keep failing it. I'm trying to push myself to do things a little different, a little bit more fun, like..daring new stuff...doing new stuff......but I feel like I keep falling back doing old, safe stuff. Not what I imagined with this word. But. It's still fresh on my mind!! And the 12x12 layout: I love this picture. I suppose I like this layout extra because the picture reminds me of all the wonderful days at the summerplace.

And! I got a honorable mention at Lifetimemoments from the DW2007-girls for January! Yay! Personally I didn't really like the layout they mentioned ("Something's fishy"), but it's nice to be mentioned nevertheless :)

For en helg :( Skal spare dere for detaljer, men å bli rammet av omgangssyken samtidig alle mann er IKKE noe gøy :( Får vel prise meg lykkelig for at vi ikke har vært rammet sånn sett tidligere, og håpe at det blir LENGE til evt. neste gang! Føler meg mye bedre nå idag selv om jeg fortsatt er uggen - og det samme ser ut til å gjelde alle sammen - så forhåpentligvis kan vi shippe ungene til barnehagen imorgen og hvile ut selv. Håper det. Fikk nå iallefall lagd en layout idag - med 87 eyelets. Note to self: IKKE begynt på noe så tullete som å bruke så mange eyelets på en layout! Blir lenge til neste gang og jeg fikk faktisk en vannblemme av det :( Kan ikke vise den LO'en enda siden den er til the M-game på Minneriket, men kan iallefall vise to av de jeg lagde til januar. Er veldig glad i bildet av kaien og nøstet - den får meg til å tenke sånn på alle de fine, late sommerdagene på hytta i Masfjorden.

Oooh. Poor Simen is sick. Most likely what Amalie has atm. And I'm actually sitting here wondering wheter I actually really am not feeling well or if I'm just imagining things... ahwell.. because Simen's been too sick to play WoW with me tonight I've been scrapping instead! Joy! :D One for Papirgleder's contest, and another for a challenge I got from various people - "don't use pp - cardstock only!" "no bling-bling" "no stamping" "it's not gonna be about the kids" "don't use paint" "use either Q,Z or X in the title" - jeez - gimme a break girls - all my fave stuff to do on a layout and I can't do'em! *lol* Checking out on this weeks dare I immediately got inspired and knew what I was gonna scrap - an old picture of myself. "Once I was cool" the title reads - about me and my now-gone piercings. Now I'm just a regular mommy :P Now, I very rarely like pictures of myself - and absolutely no closeups - but this one. I like it. I reminds me that..uh..I was kinda a bit cool when I was young :p So. That's the one picture I'd bring with me to death and beyond! (Okok. Maybe not. I'd sneak with me a picture of Simen and my children. AND this one :p) And, clever as I am I paired this one with a DW2007 challenge - jan 25th - use hard light to get rid of the background. Now. I prefer screen light or whatever it's called - I think they both yields pretty much similar effects. Makes my skin look smoooooth lalallaala :) And oh! Browsing around the blogs on the net I stumbles across this neat little sharpening trick for pictures courtesy of Karen Russel! Looks easy and the results looks stunningly! Must test!

Fordi Simen ble litt syk idag - sannsynligvis omgangssyken smittet av Amalie - ble det ikke noe spilling på oss ikveld. No playing = scrapping for meg! Yay! Gjorde likegjerne ferdig hele TO layouter! Riktignok var begge av den enkle typen, men yay for det! :) En til Papirgleders scrapliftcup hvor jeg liftet flere elementer fra en av Lene's mange flotte LO'er, og en til en utfordring jeg fikk på Minneriket som ble fluet med ukens Dare og en DW2007 greie :P Nå skal jeg prøve å få gjort noen M-oppgaver (den kule konken på Minneriket :P) fremover før jeg tar fatt på noen andre utfordringer. Tror jeg. :) Skal prøve å få gjort ukens kort iløpet av imorgen og tenker jeg :) Hadde nå egentlig fryktelig lyst til å sette på ungene hver deres 7gypsies-krone på den rosa LO'en forresten, men utoldmodig som jeg er så ble det ikke noe av det for denne gangen - den pakken bruker nok noen dager på å komme seg frem hit tenker jeg, siden jeg bestilte den idag :p

Daniel Lei Studio Presents: Portrait Fantasy
Have your own glamour and concept images for only 1k (introductory price!)

Portrait Fantasy: Compelling Glamour Portraits for Anybody!

Tired of the usual studio photo services in malls with limited shots and zero concept that doesn't flatter you at all?

DLS Portrait Fantasy is the only affordable professional concept-driven studio service that will give you MAGAZINE QUALITY portraits that are powerful, compelling and will make your friends ENVY your online photos! And you'll have fun while doing it!

Perfect for:
  1. Portfolio / set cards for aspiring models
  2. Personal portraits - great for Friendster, MySpace, Multiply, FaceBook and so on!
  3. Personal Online Avatars
  4. Barkada Portraits!
  5. Family Portraits
  6. Cosplay!
  7. Gifts to friends / family
  8. Advertising / Commercial Purposes*

Tell us what concept you want!
Tell your story, your passions, your hobbies, your interests so we can conceptualize your shoot - just the way you want it! This is your chance to express yourself.

Package includes:
  1. Unlimited hi-res shots on CD-Rom (100+ shots)
  2. 10 Hi-res Best/chosen processed images - magazine, glamour quality!
  3. 10 Low-res Best processed images - great for Friendster, MySpace, FaceBook, Multiply
  4. 1 Free set-card layout - great for aspiring models / talents or for pc wallpaper
  5. Free use of accessories / default props!

Service Costs:
  1. DLS Studio location - we're near Espana, Manila! Only PhP 1000.00 (complete with above service inclusions)


  2. Your own location (home, hotel, resort, office) - Additional minimum of PhP 500. for transportation and equipment.

  3. Large props (cars, equipments etc.) - may have rental charges (it depends if we or you can source for them)

  4. 20 Hi-Res Best/Chosen Shots Processed/edited - + PhP 500.00

Call/SMS for booking / inquiries:
Daniel Lei Studio


Ooooo.....Keisha Campbell recently shared a little nugget about the EK Succsess corner-adorner, which I happen to have (at least the small one - limegreen) can remove the cornerholders/bottom and use it to make SCALLOPED EDGES!!!!! Woohoo! Yes, this is big news!! I immediately had to try - and indeed - it works!! (alright, now - if it actually said so somewhere on the package that followed this cornerpunch then yes - I admit it - I don't read such stuff *blush*). It requires some practice, but it seemed very easy enough so I can't wait to do it on my next layout! :D And now I need the big one aswell as I only have the small one and have been wanting the big for a while - but not really been up for it until now :P

Anyways. Amalie wasn't feeling too well today - so she stayed at home. She threw up twice. (edit: thrice) Yuck. She sat down very very quiet and like, looking very pale and sick and all that while watchin Shrek on TV for 40 minutes total - then she got up and wanted to play on her (or alright, her brothers) PC. She's so sweet. I love how she learns sign-language so quick. When the picture of a car showed on the screen she turned to me and beamed signing the word "car". Aw! And when she wants more cookies and I say "no" she just says "more!" with sign and I melt and give in......but I digress :p Hm. Right. Then she played some with some cars and then finally stood up and wanted to dress up and go out.... right.

Ooooh! Få med dere Keisha Campbells tips om hvordan lage "hjemmelagde" scallop-kanter! Kjempeenkelt med EK Succsess sine hjørnepunchere!! Så bra! Har hatt min lenge, men ikke visst om dette før nå. Damn! Og om det faktisk stod på emballasjen så *blushblush* :p

Ellers er Amalie syk for tiden - kastet opp to ganger og greier - måtte hentes hjem fra bhg 20min etter levering. Stakkars. Vel hjemme satt hun blek og pjuskete på sofaen og så på Shrek - i 40 minutter. Etter det kviknet hun til, ville spille på PC'n, leke med bilene og så deretter kle på seg for å gå ut. Skjønne, søte Amalie! *fnis*