Oops! Forgot to share this layout of Amalie - Pencillines sketch #48 with Judi VanValkinburgh aboard. I love how it turned out!! And I love this photo of Amalie -- we were taking our morningtrip down to the kindergarten and it was such a nice day that I decided to bring the cam along.... so here I am walking with Amalies hand in one hand and the cam in the other - hence the slightly funny angle.. :p Ps. The girls at Minneriket are lifting this layout. How fun :D

Not much happening here atm - still editing weddingphotos (halfway into the makeup-session now!) - and the reason I'm so slow is that I load one photo, multitask with a zillion other stuff, go back to the loaded photo, edit it, loads the jpg to CS3, multitasks once again browsing whatever then 5 mins later I recall the photo and checks CS3, adjust curves some then saves the photo...then loads another one and goes off wandering for 10 minutes before remembering that oy, I'm actually editing photos & swap back to the CS3window........ :p

I'm also in the progress of making my friends CJ - alright -- next time I'm thinking about entering something that requires me to make 30+ similar 5x7" pages (it's so SMALL!) - please beat my head with a huge bat! It'll be fun getting pages from friends Ive learned to know through the Norwegian forum Minneriket - but still -- I feel like in a creative downside when it comes to creating this one -- I'm making the most boring, most noobish pages. I'm really sorry but I am. *sigh* I know - I could just make a page then make all the others just like that one -- it was the plan too - just that I haven't found the right template yet so I keep grumbling and acking over my stupid pages. So now you know - don't expect much from me for this one - but hey - it's the personal messages of the pages that's most important or..?

Wandering around, browsing the net....here's some cool links.

  • Nikon's cooperating with Flickr! It'll be interesting to see what will become of this site.. looks cool!
  • Haha, check out Dolce & Gabbanas new campaign. It's apparently being accused to objectify men. Gawd. How unusual.
  • Been curious to learn who this Bill Hicks dude is - some friends keep quoting him over and over (waffle waitress anyone?). I think I like this guy :p The Letterman-incident was intriguing. Need to learn more about this guy :p (I'm no smoker - not anymore anyways - but I loved this quote among others: I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your fuckin' mouth)
  • Nice overview of what the diff. blendingmodes in PS actually do (in Norwegian). I've kinda known by practice but not really really known. Nice to have it written down :p
Oh! Just saw that my balance LO was among the faves on OLW. Cool! :)