• I don't like my current editing style. I'm not sure if it's the lousy lightning that forces weird editing, or if I'm just stuck at this over-expose-everything-with-harsh-contrast thingie but I'm fed up of my indoor-photos atm. Time to go out and do a real photosession or something like that...
  • ..or wait for my two new books currently on their way to me from the overseas: Scott Kelbys Photoshop for Photographers and 7-point-System Photoshop. Pressies from my hubby. Can't wait!
  • I ruined the Christmas dinner!!! Gah! Didn't cook the meat (pinnekjøtt) long enough :( The guests said that it was fine, it's the taste that matters....but still..the meat was supposed to kinda "fall apart" from the bones...it didn't which involved a lil more chewing than normal :/
  • Our Christmaseve was spent with mom, stephdad, mother in law and hubbys grandparents. A nice and quiet evening :)
  • I redeemed myself today though, cooking it again (this kinda food - "pinnekjøtt" - is almost always better the second time it's prepared anyways) and stuff.
  • Amalie was sick all Christmas - also all Christmas Eve...slept a lot....cheered up when we were unwrapping pressies though, to the point to devoting time to and playing with each of the toys she got in turn - resulting in a little queue for the still unwrapped pressies waiting. Ofcourse it helped having two grandmothers at each side helping her unwrap and play with the toys.
  • Adrian, soon seven, doesn't really care for reading much - "you know I can't read mommy" he just shrugs when I try reading with him. He's the laidback kind of type who'll well, learn it sooner or later...later I guess. Anyways, he can read his own name though and recognize some of the letters. So, every time he found a pressie with his own name in it he hurried to one of the grownups urging them to help him; "either it's a pressie TO me or it's a pressie FROM me". He's got that part right!
  • In Norway we eat different kind of meals at Christmas, mainly depending where in the country you're from. At north there's mostly fish or reindeer. In the west (and north) we've got "pinnekjøtt" - salted, dried and sometimes smoked lamb ribs which is steam- boiled. In the east, and the most popular Christmas-meal all around the country there's pork. I'm used to the pork growing up, but after I moved to the west I've grown to love pinnekjøtt. Yum! But - whatever we're having at Christmas - we always have the other kind of meal the next day. So, as we were having Pinnekjøtt at Christmas Eve we had the pork at Christmas Day. That's what happens when you've got two whos used to different kind of meals at Christmas Eve marry kinda.
  • I haven't scrapped in five or six days!! Yikes! But - just shipped mom and stephdad to the airport now - so there's hope for me getting some scrapping done later tonight :)
  • I am going to put a lot of photos up for well, whoevers interested. Mind you, I don't really like the way they're edited but I wasn't really having other ideas atm. A little mix between flash and non flash photos.
  • Getting invaded by Swedes again tomorrow!

Amalie with her gingerbread cookie from the kindergarten.

Amalie enjoying gaming with her brother

Amalie and grandma decorating the tree

The children playing around while my stephdad is reading a book

And more playing..

Last touch on the tree ..
Me panicking the day before Christmas - need to bake more cakes!
(lefse - trad food thingie :) )


More bokeh-playing :p
Handsome boy :)

Sick and tired lil girl

Pressies with grand-grandpa

The familypiccie :p
(darn I shoulda kept the shoes on :p)