Not only have Amalie been sick all Christmas - she was home from kindergarten for a week before the Christmas-vacation started mind you cause she was sick - and was so more or less until this friday (her grand finale was throwing down the house like four or five times in a day :p)....well...seems like me, the Good Mommy (ha's been me who's been sleeping with her all nights when she's been sick) have gotten what's bit her for a while....ugh..feeling queasy feeling NOT well and all that kind of yucky details. Right. Anyways. So for a lil while both me and Amalie was sick and poor Simen has to stay at home with us and stuff. Oh, and we have some swedes over for NY - poor them coming to a sick house :( They all escaped doing LAN stuff at another friends house - quite a few foreginers for this NY so they're split around...poor those who chose our house :p

Ohwell. I did feel a little better yesterday and managed to get two layouts scrapped...then bam back to my sorry sick state today since this morning. Bleh. Ohwell. I'm supposed to stay at home with the kids NY eve anyways. Just. Not. Sick! :(

Anyways. Nuff yucky talk.

Back to the scrappy things. Right.

  • A CD card for Bad Girls 12 days of Christmas (enclosing the sketch how to do this - although it's pretty simple and very logic so I really neednt but :p)
  • A layout for the Pencillines Split Coast Stampers guest DT gig (my challenge was to make an embossed embellishment - I love the look of embossing + scalloped scissors + 3d foam :) ) Contemplating adding journaling - and how so - but ohwell, we'll see. One of the things on my personal "watch" list for sb-08 kinda. More about that later.
  • And some peeks for the upcoming January Bad Girl kit. Sugarcoated lovelies yum :D
Stay tuned for more layouts tonight - both for Pencillines and Scrappedugnad :)

Jeje. Bare sykdom og elendighet denne jula gitt. Vel, det har ikke vært *så* ille egentlig - syk Amalie ganske lenge - litt opp og ned - greit når hun er slapp og varm men ikke så greit når hun begynner å kaste opp eller smitte mamma (aka meg!) !! :p Så nå har jeg gått og hanglet meg gjennom romjula - mamma og stefaren min dro 2. juledag - så fikk vi en dags pause før vi fikk noen svensker på besøk. Som kom til et litt sykt hus. Kjipt! Jaja. Amalie virker iallefall frisk nå, og jeg trodde jeg og var frisk for jeg følte meg bedre igår men neida - bleh -fortsatt syk idag. Sukk. Jeje.

Litt scrapperier har det ikke vært så mye av, men jeg viser noen greier jeg lagde før jula - CD-kortet og LO'en til Split Coast Stampers guest-DT-gig med Pencillines-jentene - samt noen peeks på den nye januarkiten til Bad Girls. Veldig bright og sprudlende og fresh - yummy! :)