Can you believe how freakin fast time flies?!??
It feels like it was just summer and vacation and all, and now we're in our last month before Dreaded December.......eeeks!!

I've started on the Christmas-pressies (gotta love etsy!), but in such a slow slow slow rate which prob means that despite some pressies being fixed I'll be stressing this Christmas too....

New month means new Bad Girl layouts, and this time we got a beautiful vintage-ish kit. I've gotta add a disclaimer though, cause the kit, despite being so gorgeous and lovely - I daresay isn't "me" - so I don't feel like I've done this kit the justice it so deserves!! There are many scrappers whom I adore and whose "main"style is vintage - and I simply lovelovelove what they do with such papers and colors - so I am a bit sad that I'm not able to do that kind of magic that they do with such kit - I did want to do this kit justice too! So please keep that in mind while looking at my stuff - I did my best hehe :p And do check out the other girls too :D

This one bears some explaination methinks :) You see, we were in Austria last summer visiting some friends from WoW, and they were into live RPG aswell - as in playing out roleplayingstuff in live settings - so very cool. I've read about such camps where you do that - sounds so freakin cool! Anyways. As part of their hobby they had this HUGE arsenal of weapons in soft foam. So realistic-looking and so cool! Everything from HUGE axes to broadswords (Amalie looked cute dragging one around - it was bigger than her lol) and butcherknife (Diablo anyone? LOL) and tiny throwing daggers and lots more. Fun fun! Anyways. Adrian really liked this one :) Adrian and Amalie were the only children there but the grownups had so much fun too - lots of chasing and duels and stuff all evening at this BBQ :)

Papir i Hjertet, the store which I taught at this past weekend, are moving their store (wasn't finished when I arrived, they'll move Dec 1st instead) and I made them a card congratulating with the move and all. "Papir i Hjertet" means something like "Paper in the Heart" - hence the heart instead of H :) Lovelovelove this flocked paper from 7gypsies and the cute card from Melissa Frances cardset, and the butterfly rocks! Lots and lots of Glimmer MIst put to good use here by the way..

Don't ask me where she got that from, but suddenly she started to do the complete "Mwah" pose with hands and pout and sound and all. Hm. Guess it's a girl-thing?? She's also into princesses these days, hm. I kinda prefer her to be the kind of tomboy she's been until now, but ohwell..:p

My favorite layout from this bunch. Went total curl-o-mania on this one, funfun. Lots of subtle Glimmer Mist here, lovesit. And two of my three favorite people in the world is present here. YAY.

Ps. For the Americans out there - good luck today. Go Vote. No matter which candidate - make yourself heard! *smile*