**sorry..layout removed for publication..wohoo!! :D**
  • A Hambly-layout - me turning 29 and all. Big thing and stuff ya know. Or something like that (I *did* forget about it when I told Pelle I was 28 this past weekend..then a minute later went UHM no wait, I'm 29 :P) Loooove this Sassafras-paper!!!! :D
  • Note to self: buy a new craft-knife (as they stole removed my old one at the airport *cough*)
  • Yay I finally made it!! *dances* After taking a break from submitting to the Scenic Route monthly challenges I decided to submit again and made it this time, YAY :D Me happy!! :D
  • I can't decide. I have finally come to the conclusion that Amalie needs a tutu (a bit late - darn - imagine all the cool photos I could have taken w/her in a tutu from babyhood->now..ohwell). But which one?? This skirt only or this more expensive but a bit longer skirt- or this with a body??

In other news - my classes at Bikuben in Oslo/Strømmen have been finalized -- here's the time&dates - each class costs 350NOK:

Mandag 17. november kl. 18 – 21. Layout kurs ”lag på lag i samlet spann!

Tirsdag 18. november kl. 14 – 17. Minialbum kurs. ”Liten, søt og tøff”

Tirsdag 18. november kl. 18 – 21. Shadowbox kurs. ”It’s in the box”

Onsdag 19. November kl. 18 – 21. Minialbum kurs ”Liten, søt og tøff”

I am especially looking forward to the shadowbox-class - "It's in the box" - I think it's one of my favorite classes ever. Love pretty shadowboxes - and such wonderful Christmas-presents (we'll make three templates)!! And during the minialbum-class this past weekend I realized that yeah, I really like this class too - I guess it'll be my second favorite class *smile*

Hope to see a few of you around there at Bikuben!! :) And if you're interested in attending - please email ellen@bikuben.com :)

Kursene hos Bikuben er endelig klare -- det blir to kurs med minialbumene (både på dags-og kveldstid - vi lager to minialbum fra bunnen av), og et kurs med layoutene (to layouts her og) og et med shadowboxer (tre mal til shadowboxer). Sistnevnte er nok favoritten min - gleder meg kjempemasse til å holde den. Digger hvor pent disse blir til egen hjemmebruk/julegavebruk - dette har vært et fast innslag hos meg selv i løpet av de siste to årene :) Og jeg tenker at etter kursene på Bikuben og Familieminner så kommer jeg nok til å retire dette kurset - so here's your chance ;)

Om du er interessert i mer info/påmelding - bare email ellen@bikuben.com :)