Have a nice weekend everybody -- going to the summerplace (yeap, it's gonna be sea & sun :) ) for a few days -- aiming to fill up the memorystick & having happy children giving me happy pictures :) Just hope that my shipment from Papirloftet with the book "Photography for scrapbookers" will arrive in time before I leave, so that I have something to read in the evenings :)

Oh by the way, did I mention? Cut Amalies hair. Yeap. First time ever - 14 months old - at the local hairdresser. Wanna know something ridiculous too? I FORGOT TO CHECK THE BATTERY BEFORE LEAVING! *faint* Three pictures inside the saloon and poof no more pictures :( Bleh. She didn't cut that much of her hair either - mostly just at the forehead. Jeje. At least she can see now :p

Ha en riktig god helg alle sammen - reiser bort på hytta i Masfjorden noen få dager - satser på å komme hjem med full minnebrikke og glade unger mandag kveld :) Håper bare pakken jeg bestilte fra Papirloftet (og som har ligget i postsentralen i Bergen siden idag morges!) rekker ut hit før vi drar ...hadde vært *veldig* kjekt å kunne lese litt i "Photography for scrapbookers" (av Tracy White) mens jeg er på hytta! (men - det er også noen som har sagt at posten ikke rører sporingspakkene i det hele tatt når det er helg - som begynner fredag formiddag visstnok :( :( :( Håper ikke det er sant da :( )

Jaja...skal nok greie å få en god helg uansett :)

Forresten? Amalie var til frisøren for første gang i hele sitt liv nå nylig. Og gjett hva -- JEG GLEMTE Å SJEKKE BATTERINIVÅET FØR JEG DRO!!!! Etter tre bilder så takket kameraet for seg....argh!!!! Jaja....håret ble ikke klippet så mye heller - bare en liten pannelugg og bittelittegranne stussing overall....hm....hun kan i det minste se uten hårstrikk/spenne nå da :P


Entered Scrapshops layoutcontest with two of my most recent layouts, and both of them made the finale - and won *snicker* *happy* :D The layout which won -- "Den nye generasjonen" ("The next generation") was a layout I originally wasn't sure wheter I liked or not - it's *very* different to be me I think and well.....I just tested this freestyle-do-things-without-thinking-and-fast-before-changing-your-mind thing on it. It's my lovely niece Rebecca who's the oldest of the children in the next generation - the generation next to me and sis :P Thus the title. The picture was taken at the subway in Oslo and was somewhat blurry - and very cool - so I thought it'd be nice with a matching layout. I think the inspiration to use torn notebookpapers came from Olava - and I felt something was missing so I checked my old classnotes - and sure enough..the first notebook I looked at had the most coolest, matching paper ever - notes on the new media vs the old - which was just too perfect to the theme - the new generation growing up with the new media :) I wasn't sure if I liked it in the beginning, but it's sure grown on me since ... really like this one now :) The other one is one of the more romantic layouts - more "me" I think :p (Simen says I'm kinda cheating cause who can resist our cute little baby? LOL :p)

Anyways...life's still fast-paced, and I'm still enjoying every minute of it :) I've become the coordinator of courses for Papirloftet - a very fun and challenging little job :) I'm also holding courses for Papirloftet for the deaf and hard of hearing (or well, basically, sign-language users), and we already do have several courses for these ready and lined up for the autumn. Exciting! Just hope people will attend! :D More information about these and other upcoming courses will be up and running on the page as soon as possible :) Am also doing some other projects as mentioned yesterday - one I'm trying to finish for scrapping.no, and another for Ett Trykk - both of which needs to be finished like, ASAP. *wipes sweat* *beams* :)

Haha, noe så stilig! Sendte inn to bidrag til Scrapshops "fineste layout"-konkurranse, og jammen meg kom begge to i finalen og vant!! Skikkelig morsomt! "Den nye generasjonen" var egentlig en LO jeg ikke var sikker på hvor jeg hadde liksom, for den var så anerledes til å være meg (synes jeg), og ja...veldig anerledes bare...men har etterhvert blitt mer og mer glad i den - og synes den er skikkelig kul nå :D Jenta på bildet er min eldste niese Rebecca, og hun er den eldste i neste generasjon - generasjonen etter søs og meg, altså :P. Det har jeg skrevet litt om i den skjulte tagen bak bildet - at hun vokser opp i en helt ny mediesituasjon enn oss hvor mobiler og nettet er en selvfølge helt fra liten av. Det artige er at jeg ble inspirert til å bruke notisark til denne LO'en av Olava (mener jeg), og den første notisboken jeg fant var en fra en av grunnfagforelesningene i media -- der temaet var gammel vs ny media LOL. Helt perfekt til temaet jeg så for meg på denne LO'en! :) Den andre LO'en er mer "meg" - romantisk, litt sart og enkel i linjene. (og Amalie er skjønn på bildet - men samme bildeserie er full av bilder der nesa hennes synes - og to stooore, blanke striper med godt synlig snørr nedover...haha :P Flaks at jeg fikk med dette bildet hvor det ekle ikke synes ;) ) Simen mener forøvrig det er litt juks av meg å bruke Amalie i konkurranser, for hun er jo verdens skjønneste jente (han korrigerte det til nest skjønneste jente da jeg bad ham være litt objektiv :p)

Anyways - har det fortsatt hektisk -- er blitt kurskoordinator for Papirloftet - en skikkelig kul, morsom, spennende og utfordrende liten jobb! Trives *så* godt med det! *joy* :p Er også kursholder for de og skal holde flere kurs i høst på tegnspråk, både i Bergen og i Oslo foreløpig - gleder meg skikkelig! Håper bare det kommer noen på disse kursene da, haha :) I tillegg så har jeg også ting & tang å gjøre ferdig for De Kreative på scrapping.no og for Ett Trykk - så tempoet her om dagen er ganske så høyt som det går an å være når en er hjemme med unger og alt :P

Lots of different things suddenly happening now. Very funny and great things too! Life is good - I'm busy and sometimes stressing a bit, but I'm *so* enjoying it. Just need to remember to meet all the different and various deadlines....:D

By the way -- I'm *so* gonna change the look of this blog very soon. The new header is finished - I just need to wait for the various contests that's going on/is coming soon to finish before I'm able to show the header (guess you guessed how the new header is looking now :P).

Oi - det er virkelig en masse som skjer her om dagen -- det er hektisk, det er morsomt og det er ikke minst utrolig spennende! Stortrives virkelig her om dagen, og har det skikkelig gøy :) Må bare huske på å klare alle de forskjellige deadlinene - det er snakk om flere forskjellige og separate ting :) Nysgjerrig? Håper jeg kan fortelle litt om ikke alt for lenge :p

Forresten - skal snart ta og forandre drastisk på utseendet til bloggen. Er så lei av sort - og fristes veldig av de lekre, hvite bloggene rundtomkring. Må bare vente til div. konkurranser etc blir ferdige, slik at jeg kan vise den nye headern min og få meg en hvit blog jeg og. :)
Hmm..blir vel kanskje nødt til å forandre skriftfarge og da, på noen av de eldre postene...:s


Happy Midsummer Eve! :)
Mother in law ++ took the kiddo out for our summerplace to celebrate Midsummer and all that, so we're home alone with Amalie for the whole weekend....yay! :)

This layout is a very old one (like, 3 months :p) -- was supposed to be published at scrapping.no but with lots of delays and other stuff piling up I preferred to just put it up myself :) It's a pretty funny LO, cause well, that was when my DSLR was brand new and I wanted to test it out a lot and stuff, and to get a break from the ever-bugging Amalie I locked her inside the hallway while photographing the flowers on the floor at the livingroom. After a while I suddenly heard something and looking up at the door (which has see-through glass) I saw Amalie ...LOL...just had to take some pictures of her too that way :D

I've used Rusty Pickle, KMA and Melissa Frances papers here :)

God St.Hans! :)
Svigermor m.fl. tok med seg guttungen ut på hytta for å feire St.Hans og sånn, så det er bare meg, Simen og Amalie igjen her hjemme - deilig :)

Denne layouten lagde jeg egentlig for lenge siden, skulle egentlig vært en del av de kreative på scrapping.no, men pga litt rot og forsinkelser så fikk jeg lov til å heller legge den ut selv :P (blir jo litt antsy når jeg ikke kan legge ut ting etter 3 mnd :P)

Anyways....historien bak er litt artig, for det var da jeg fikk speilrefleks og skulle teste den ut på alt og ingenting. Denne dagen fikk jeg det for meg at jeg skulle teste makroegenskapene, og fotografere en bukett jeg satte ned på gulvet. For å få litt fred fra Amalie satte jeg henne i gangen og lukket døra (jepp, jeg er slem :P). Knipset i vei og etter en stund så jeg noe i øyekroken - joda, det var Amalie som var lei av det hun holdt på med og ville se hva jeg gjorde på forrno :P Hun var jo litt søt da, sånn gjennom glassvinduet i døra :)

Har brukt en blanding av Rusty Pickle, KMA og Melissa Frances ark her sammen med litt søm, bretting, blomster og rhinestonebrads....+ en diger tag bak bildet med tekst :)


For those who knows me, me and Basic Grey just totally doesn't match. I dunno exactly why, but every time I *try* to use BG it just doesn't work, and I just give up (and...tbh....I don't think BG's that good and all as people keep fussin about...sure they're nice but..shrug...:) ) I think it's becasuse I fell for Chatterbox pretty early on when I started scrapping, and going from the thin CB papers to the thick BG ones was just too confusing for me. (I still love CB -- keep returning to these papers over and over again :) )

I might have broken that BG curse. And not with just any paper. It's the "Discover" paper from "Color Me Silly" (above picture). One of the most difficult papers to work on according to those who "knows" BG - especially because I originally wanted to use the whole paper :P Just look at the picture...it's a bit too much, too intense, too.....everything, don't you think?

I'm not quite sure what I think of the finished layout now (I like it except maybe one part, hmm.....not sure if I like or dislike it, but it's kinda intriguing and maybe unusual....you'll see soon...), but I'm satisfied with at least having used BG on a layout of mine!

4 Diva-layouts done, one more to go and I can rest! :P
(I'll show it in a little more than a week, promise! :) )

Wow! Jeg har brukt Basic Grey ark for første gang!! Det er iallefall første gangen jeg har greid å gi BG "hovedrollen" i en LO - har av en eller annen grunn rett og slett ikke greid å bruke BG ark i det hele tatt...men nå...har det visst plutselig snudd!! Har til og med lyst på "Oh baby!" serien til BG - hmmmm...bare jeg ikke gaper over for mye nå da :D

Bildet her er av arket jeg har brukt ("Discover" fra "Color Me Silly" serien) - et ganske så voldsomt og vanskelig ark å jobbe med, særlig fordi jeg egentlig ville bruke hele arket....men jeg måtte gi etter, for det gikk bare ikke (for meg altså). Er litt fornøyd med den (bortsett fra en ting, er ikke helt sikker på om jeg liker det eller ikke, men det er i det minste litt spesielt og noe interessant....), spesielt fordi jeg endelig har greid å bruke arkene alle priser og elsker og bruker i hytt og pine - alle bortsett fra meg :P

Anyways - det betyr at 4 av 5 Divaoppgaver er ferdiglaget, nå gjenstår bare den siste før jeg kan levere inn oppgavene og puste lettet ut :) Kommer aldri høyt opp på disse Diva-avstemningene (eller noen andre avstemninger i det hele tatt, nærmeste var vel sist gang det var storkonkurranse på scrapping.no og da fikk jeg hele to tredjeplasseringer på en gang....kjempespennende for meg som ikke er vant til sånt, LOL :) )

*humtehum* går visst spennende tider i møte forresten - gleder meg til høsten....og det er ikke bare fordi Amalie skal i barnehage og jeg endelig får konsentrert meg ordentlig om å gjøre ferdig masteroppgaven :) (selv om det er bra - VILMÅSKALBLIFERDIG!!!!!!)


Yeah, been up since seven this morning making buns....Simen's grandmother turns 75 today, and I promised fresh baked buns - she's going to have an open house whole day. Also, Simen's class slept over at school today and he wanted to drop by and say hi and bring them buns aswell - so I'm making double portion. *such a good housewife!*

Also made some pies for Simens grandmother yesterday, aswell as a card (ofcourse) to both her (not too satisfied with the inside of the card...bleh..but it was supposed to be hip and stuff because of her somewhat unusual present) and Simens colleague at school (whose a passionate catlover :D) since it's Summer vacation and all. Oh, and isn't cool? We're giving her a brand new computer for her birthday!! Complete with Internet and all :D Simens other grandparents (turned 80 last year) has been on the net for quite a few years already, so it's her turn now :D It's pretty cool, when I send them emails I get handwritten cards or a phonecall back LOL :)



Har vært oppe siden sju (veeeeldig tidlig til å være meg....sånn frivillig!!) for å bake rundstykker.... Simens mormor fyller 75 idag, og jeg står for nybakte rundstykker og diverse paier (laget igår) til hennes "åpent hus" idag. Og så overnattet Simens klasse på skolen inatt, og han ville ha noen ferske rundstykker å ta med seg ned når han skulle innom for å si hei og sånn....så da blir det dobbel porsjon med rundstykker gitt.

Har også laget kort - såklart :p Vel, egentlig et trekkspillalbum, men jeg ble ikke sååå veldig fornøyd med innsiden (utrolig kjedelig), menmen...den skulle være litt frisk og ungdommelig, siden selve gaven var litt utradisjonell.... lagde også et kort for Simen - han hadde lyst til å gi kollegaen sin et kort siden det er sommer og alt. Hun er en katteelsker, og har et kattepensjonat her på øya :D Et ordentlig katteslott visstnok :)

Forresten, vi gir henne en helt ny PC til 75årsdagen - komplett med Internett og opplæring :D Er det ikke kult? Simens andre besteforeldre har allerede vært på nett i et par år nå (de ble 80 ifjor), så nå er det hennes tur...:D Litt søtt, når jeg har sendt de emails har jeg pleid å få håndskrevne kort eller en liten telefonsamtale tilbake :D

Mmm..nybakte rundstykker på morgenkvisten er godt! Må visst lage enda en dobbelporsjon til =)



Adrian asked me yesterday if he could borrow my camera. He was allowed to hold and take a picture of Amalie the other day, and wanted to do it more. I told him that no, he coudln't borrow my DSLR, but hmm sure, after looking at his sad face I told him he could borrow my old digicam instead (Sony Cybershot DSC-P43 - damn they're *so* lightweight after a few months holding a D70s :D)

So sure thing, this happy little boy took off taking pictures of anything he saw..LOL....if Amalie wasn't in bed I'm damn sure he'd taken a lot of pictures of her too from all angles.... it'll be both cool and cute to scrap pictures of the world seen from his view (*makes a mental note*)

Anyways...he didn't get to take too many pictures because the rechargable batteries were so low, but hm, if this interest keeps up it'll be funny to watch..:)

I also looked through my old digital pictures....really, it's *so* weird to see the difference from before and now. Before I got my DSLR, and especially before I started scrapping, a normal month yielded only 30-50 pictures top - and that was above average if so. One event yielded maybe 6-8 pictures. Today? *gosh* I really do have a problem with deleting the useless pictures...only the *really really* useless pictures are deleted, the rest are....well....you never know when you'll get to use them kinda :S So each session normally yields between 50 and 200 pictures, and a month contains like, 10-15 sessions......*blush*

By the way. Got this one in the mail from my brother-in-law. LOL :D Scrapping has entered the nerdarena :P

Hehe, Adrian kom bort til meg igår kveld og ville låne kameraet mitt. Jeg sa nei - speilreflekskameraet er litt for stor og tung til at jeg vil la en femåring leke med den - men med det triste fjeset han viste fikk han lov til å bruke mitt gamle Sony Cybershot kamera (og wow, de er utrolig lightweight sammenlignet med D70s!!). Han strålte opp og syntes det var kjempestas å kunne ta bilder sånn som han ville - han danderte leker, han tok bilder av scrappebordet mitt, han tok bilder av meg og Simen.....rett og slett - han hadde det kjempegøy! Synes det er litt søtt, og har ikke noe imot at han kan få bruke kameraet mitt innimellom - det blir gøy å se om han vil fortsette med dette og kanskje til og med utvikle et visst talent...? (akkurat nå er bildene fulle av at fingrene hans er for nær kameraet, eller at han får med seg det ene benet hans etc - men det er bare sjarmerende synes nå jeg :) Det viktigste er jo fotograferingsgleden, ikke sant? :)

Ellers så kikket jeg gjennom mine gamle digitale bilder - og må si jeg er litt sjokkert og flau over den store forskjellen i antall bilder før og nå! En gjennomsnittsmåned idag inneholder mellom 50 og 200 bilder fra en og samme dag/periode, og jeg har gjerne 15 mapper med forskjellige dager i en månedsmappe. Før jeg fikk speilreflekskameraet dog, og særlig før jeg fikk øynene opp for scrappingen, inneholdt en måned toppen 30-50 bilder totalt - og det var i såfall over gjennomsnittet.....hmm.....:)


Sooo....while the scrapper in me goes *omigodneedtofetchthecameraquick* the mommy/housewife in me goes &%¤%&¤/&%&/&/#"#¤ because yeah, all the children (Adrian, my nephew and Amalie who ofcourse had to follow the older boys...without shoes...) had been inside the house several times by then......leaving mudtrails all over......

Another proof that children who seem to be doing very well on their own = all the reason to get suspicious!

Jeje....anyways..got so many new layouts I want to show but I have to wait another week or soat least...grr...hate it when I can't show my fresh layouts, I kinda gets antsy :P Jeje..found out how to get the gallerythingie to work, and made my very own header ("Are you making a picture for a pink horrormovie?" Simen asked me...pfft...)

Mens scrapperen i meg skynder seg etter å finne kameraet for å knipse situasjonen, blir husmoren i meg helt &/%¤&%¤&%¤&%#" fordi - jada, såklart hadde ungene - Adrian, nevøen min og Amalie greid å snike seg inn og ut av huset flere ganger etter å ha vært i gjørma.....*sukk*

Nok et bevis på at stille og fornøyde unger = all grunn til å bli mistenksom....


Look at these! Aren't they just totally lovely, vibrant and just oh-so perfect for scrapbooking?? *lol*
I do believe I know which papers to use too, haha (MAMBI and/or Rob&Bob, in case you wondered :) ) Just need to do a close shot of these when in Amalies hair :P

Thanks to mom who knows I tend to lose these all the time (they're like socks in the washingmachine!!) and sent me these along with some oreocookies (mmm I'm *so* addicted!)

Hihi! Kjære søte snille mamma'n min vet at jeg mister Amalies hårspenner rett som det er (hun er veldig flink til å ta de av seg her og der) og sendte meg disse sammen med noen oreo-cookies (mmm!) i posten :)

De er helt perfekte til scrapbooking, eller hva? Synes jeg nesten ser for meg hva slags mønsterark jeg skal bruke også (MAMBI og Rob & Bob!!) -- stilig, huh? (eller skremmende, alt ettersom :D) Må bare sørge for å kle opp Amalie pent og få et nærbilde av hårspennene hennes slik at jeg kan bruke disse i scrappingen...yay! :)

Ugh! Remember Adrians sunflowers?

Well. Let's just say......if your baby is awfully quiet and not her usual buggy self when you let her loose in the livingroom while retreating to the computerroom, then something's awfully wrong. Very.

This is the sight that met me when I started wondering why she wasn't coming in bugging me as usual...

Ps...to my defense...after yesterdays incident I placed the plants high above the ground OUTSIDE in the garden.....Simen (or maybe Adrian) must have taken them inside again and placed it within Amalies reach, as seen below........

Oh noes!

The mischievous and very self-satisfied little bugger..
(after her pants and socks was undressed, as they were ALL BLACK)

Follow the trace of her path all around the livingroom!

Poor plants. I REALLY hope they'll survive. (Hey, deja vu!)

Jeje...on another note, I just entered yesterdays layout to a contest, so I guess it'll take a little longer before I can show it to you :) (it's been two years since scrapshop.no entered the scrappingarena and they got a singlelayout contest going on until june 23rd...do join :) )

Jaja...de har sannelig fått hard medfart, solsikkeblomstene til Adrian :(
For en gangs skyld var Amalie stille og rolig og fornøyd med å være alene i stua. At dette egentlig burde få varselklokkene mine til å ringe på nivå 5, tenkte jeg dessverre ikke helt over....var bare glad for å få litt fri fra henne siden hun alltid kommer inn og bugger meg liksom :( Såååå......bildene ovenfor var det synet som møtte meg da jeg kom inn i stua etter en stund.....*sigh* Til mitt forsvar må jeg si at jeg tok plantene med meg ut i hagen og plasserte de litt høyt oppe der, etter gårsdagens uhell. Dessverre glemte Simen å siifra at han (eller Adrian kanskje?) tok de inn igjen, og plasserte de innenfor Amalies rekkevidde......hrmf...hun var SÅ fornøyd da jeg kom inn og ferska henne - etter at hun hadde dratt med seg jordspor over HELE stua (ok....bare halve....men det var mer enn nok!! Over sofaen og stolene og sånn og...). Sukk....er glad jeg tok på henne et par gamle joggebukser idag gitt, for de var helt knallsorte av all jorden!

Jeje....for andre gang på rad - håper virkelig plantene greier seg!!! Adrian var jo så stolt av den da...:(

Ellers - layouten jeg lovte å vise idag må nok vente litt til - scrapshop.no feirer to år på nett og har en layoutkonkurranse gående frem til 23.juni. Bli med du og da vel! :)

And yes, I had a very enjoyable evening - sitting down with uh, nine (I think..*blush*) other women just scrapping....it's nice, and a change from the usual scrappinghabits kinda :) AND! They even had sewing machines there!! LOL :)

And yeah, I did finish a layout..just have to wait for the invisible ink lines to disappear before I scan it =) Think I'm pretty satisfied about that one too, had like, NO ideas when I arrived but suddenly it just fixed itself :)

Wee....jeg er tilbake :) Hadde en koselig kveld, virkelig kjekt å bare sitte sammen med andre som også deler samme hobby :) En fin avveksling fra hvordan jeg vanligvis scrapper :) Og så hadde de SYMASKINER tilgjengelig der og! Woot! =)

Gjorde ferdig en LO også - og ble faktisk ganske fornøyd med den. Hadde INGEN ideer da jeg kom dit, men plutselig så bare løste det seg og ja... skal scanne det inn imorra når invisible ink-greiene forsvinner fra LO'en :P

Have you seen the new store - Papirloftet? I think it's one of the most beautifully, aestetically and throughout store I've seen in a good long while...and look at that DesignTeam..wow...Carine, Elly and Seline herself... *wish I had enough money soon* :)

Har du forresten sett den nye scrappebutikken - Papirloftet? Wow! Et av de nydeligste og mer delikate butikkene jeg har sett på lenge - flotte merkevarer, masse utvalg, mye lekkert, gunstige priser (toppers!) og ja....wow! Skikkelig godt gjennomtenkt butikk som det også er behagelig å browse igjennom. Ikke så rart da, med Seline bak roret. Og så det Design-Teamet da gitt, wow - Carine, Elly og Seline...dette må vel bare bli en suksess? Lykke til med butikken iallefall, Seline :)

Hm....10 minutter igjen nå...


One and a half hour until Dinnamor will come and get me for the crop at Vestkanten tonight....*slightly terrified* :) I've printed out a fair selection of pictures, but I'm so like....ugh....no ideas.....really dunno what to do with them at all...:S I *think* I'll bring all my papers and most of my Bazzills along, and uhm, I dunno how much of my stash but a few things for sure....really hope Dinnamor got room for it and that they won't look at me in a silly way because I bring what I bring....*blush* They do claim they're nice and all though.....I really hope so *smirk*

On another note - I let Amalie stay in the backgarden alone for a bit and that was such a BAD idea. Adrian had planted some sunflowers in a jar and suure, guess who found the newly sprung plants...... let's just say, she was NOT very gentle with the flowers :( Bleh! Baaaaad Amalie!

Jeje...I made this layout yesterday... was printing some pictures which was supposed to be for tonight but I just had to scrap them right away and well....jeje...:p This will go into Adrians album. I'll make another for my own and another again for Amalies :) (Will be the first time I do this, make different layouts for everybodys albums kinda...cool...I think =) )

You can tell I'm such a noob at this freestyle thing, and I'm not too satisfied with how the right side came out, but ohwell :)

Jaja...får prøve å skrive på norsk og =) Nå er det en og en halv time....eller ok, en time snart - til Dinnamor kommer for å hente meg til scrappetreffet på Vestkanten ikveld...eep....har svææære sommerfugler trampende som elefanter i magen min jo =) De påstår de er snille og hyggelige de damene som skal komme, men en vet jo liksom aldri? LOL =) Har i det minste fått skrevet ut noen bilder jeg *håper* jeg får til å bruke ikveld, sitter her med NULL ideer gitt, men......

Denne layouten ovenfor ble laget igår - med bilder jeg egentlig hadde skrevet ut til å bruke på scrappetreffet ikveld -- men jaggu ble de ikke scrappet sånn med en gang, gitt :P Ikke helt fornøyd med høyre siden, og er fortsatt nybegynner på det med freestyle, men jeg *tror* da det kommer seg? Gøy er det iallefall :) Og det gjorde det litt lettere å få med alle bildene (tro meg, jeg hadde mange flere bilder jeg ville ha med!!) over to sider. Jaja...planen er å lage Tusenfrydlayouts til alles album - fellesalbumet, Adrians (denne) og Amalies....første gangen jeg planlegger å lage flere layouts over samme bilder/tema, så det blir litt spennende =)

Lot forresten Amalie være ute i bakhagen litt alene isted - IKKE en god ide. Hun fikk nemlig tak i Adrians solsikkeplante og røsket ut plantene....:( *sukk* Håper de overlevde behandlingen.....

LOL, just read this one (not for the faint of heart) :p


Watch out for bikers!

Joe wanted to buy a motorbike. He doesn't have much luck until, one day, he
comes across a Harley with a 'for sale' sign
on it.

The bike seems even better than a new one, although it is 10 years old. It
is shiny and in absolute mint condition. He immediately buys it, and asks
the seller how he kept it in such great condition for 10 years.

"Well, it's quite simple, really," says the seller, "whenever the bike is
outside and it's gonna rain, rub Vaseline on the chrome. It
protects it from the rain." And he hands Joe a jar of Vaseline.

That night, his girlfriend, Sandra, invites him over to meet her parents.
Naturally, they take the bike there.

But just before they enter the house, Sandra stops him and says, "I have to
tell you something about my family before we
go in."

"When we eat dinner, we don't talk. In fact, the first person who says
anything during dinner has to do the dishes."

"No problem," he says. And in they go.

Joe is shocked. Right smack in the middle of the living room is a huge stack
of dirty dishes.

In the kitchen is another huge stack of dishes. Piled up on the stairs, in
the corridor, everywhere he looks, dirty dishes.
They sit down to dinner and, sure enough, no one says a word. As dinner
progresses, Joe decides to take advantage
of the situation.

So he leans over and kisses Sandra. No one says a word. So he reaches over
and fondles her breasts. Still, nobody says a word.
So he stands up, grabs her, rips her clothes off, throws her on the table,
and screws her right there, in front of her parents.

His girlfriend is a little flustered, her dad is obviously livid,and her mom
horrified when he sits back down, but no one says a
word. He looks at her mom. "She's got a great body," he thinks. So he grabs
the mom, bends her over the dinner table, and has his
way with her every which way right there on the dinner table.

Now his girlfriend is furious and her dad is boiling, but still,total

All of a sudden there is a loud clap of thunder, and it starts to rain.

Joe remembers his bike, so he pulls the jar of Vaseline from his pocket.

Suddenly the father backs away from the table and shouts, "All right, that's
enough, I'll do the fu_kin' dishes!"


*snicker* (Thanks Monicle :p)

Anyways, I was gonna print some pictures for tomorrows crop but suddenly I just had to scrap them there & then and suddenly they were scrapped and now I have to search for more pictures for tomorrow....bleh...:p

I also got a question why I did this blog in English..hmm...well, it's just old habit I guess, as I'm pretty used to write and think in English ever since I started MUDding like, gosh....wow, 10-11 years ago? Hm...god, time flies...I was at the Final Realms MUD, or FRMud as it was called...it even excists today, heh...there's a newer link to it, but I'm not sure where it is :p I played there for hmm....four-five years I think? Then I moved on to EverQuest (four years there too, maybe five) and now World of Warcraft (a year and half...hm..I think? Played the European Beta..was kinda hesitant to leave EQ, so didn't until the real WoW came out kinda) .....all of them with international players and stuff, where English was the mainlanguage...so...kinda funny tho, both the FRmud and EQ had a lot of American players, and there was a lot of Asian players in EQ aswell (HKers LOL), but in WoW there's mostly European players as the game is kinda separated US/Eu/Asia and stuff, so it kinda feels weird playing with players from Europe whom all are on the same timezone as you...heh...anyways, I digress...

I'll think about writing in Norwegian too tho :) Maybe I can do some kind of fancy duallanguagethingie I've seen at some Norwegian blogs :) But not right now..am kinda sleepy atm :)


Home at last, with 2.3GB pictures from 8 days in Oslo. Yay =)
Seeing as it's World Cup and all I thought I'd show these cute pictures of Amalie and her cousin Tuva - in some soccerlike bodies :)

And oh, this picture of mom (and my sis & niece) from Tusenfryd in Oslo is kinda cool, lol :)
So many pictures, so many ideas and so little time to scrap them all :(


Just popping in before Desperate Housewives to post two pictures -- one of me and my beloved sis (funny eh - I think I appreciate her more and more the older we get..prob a funny perk of being older :P) which my niece took today, and our subway-tickets - note the date..teehee....am *so* gonna save these and scrap them!!

Hm....doesnt seem like I'm able to upload pictures to blogger for the moment being, for some reason.....weird..and DH is beginning in 3 minutes.....ohwell, gonna upload this bit so I won't forget and try figure out the picture thing after DH :S

Ugh...apparantly there's troubles with blogger.com & uploading of pictures - from the Blogger Help Group it seems like I'm not the only one having troubles....bleh....I'll add the pictures another time then :(

Edit at 11.52pm: Wee..it's working again...here's the picture & the tickets....=)

Mmm...arrived Oslo late thursday evening, and was greeted by dad at the airport. Nice :)

So far I've:

* Shopped a bit
* Been to a crop with my sis (and with three others who turned out to be interpreters who knew signlanguage :D that was funny :) )
* Scrapped with my sis & Linda, both of whom teased me for my sloooow scrappingtempo..hmm..:)
* Been at the playground twice with the kids and taken a lot of photos
* Been doing the subway, train and tram at the same day (alright, that was more fun for the kiddo)
* Visited my dear old granny....she's so sweet and I've been missing her a lot :)
* Ruined daddys PC ( :( )
* Visited dad

Looking forward to the next week :)

Enclosing some of the layouts I did before leaving for Oslo - scrapping.no had a contest last sunday called "scrap-your-tshirts-off" day - with contests all day and deadlines at midnight. Normally I don't enjoy such short deadlines, I don't like hasty works - I'm after all going to live with the layouts like, forever, and I want to make stuff I'm happy about kinda....but....it wasn't that bad, I felt like I was able to complete the layouts at a decent rate and feel satisfied about them aswell...so I'm happy...I wasn't able to win anything (with the pro gang at scrapping.no it's very hard, lol), but I actually managed to end up third at two at the contests, which was a nice and fun surprise :)

This layout is of my niece when she was like, hm, four or five..or hm, maybe three.....ohwell :D It was the last contest of the day and had to be completed at two hours....I actually spent 40-45 minutes on this one, and amazingly enough I'm very satisfied about this one :)

This contest was about not using any kind of QK tools or anything - which was just fine, cause I don't have any QK or any other kind of cuttingtools, so :)

I knew how I wanted to use this picture before doing this layout, but as I didn't have any pen for use on pictures available (I've purchased these now :P), I had to write on Bazzill and cut them in pieces and put them on the big picture like this. Thought this one came out fine, but not smashing or how I really pictured it, and was really surprised to see that this one gained a lot of votes. The journaling is about how Adrian is talking dialect and calling the activity for "disse", whereas me, originally being from Oslo, call it "huske". :P

I think I'm most satisfied with this one - cause I love the story these pictures tell.....Remember when we had such great and warm summerlike weather in the beginning of May? Well, we went to the summerhouse by the beach, and Adrian found a cute little crab and went like, "ooh, how do they eat - we need to help feeding them" and so on. Thus he spent like 30++ minutes (probably more) looking for shells, opening them and throwing the open shells back out in the water. Kinda cute. And I *SO* love the Scenic Route's Northshore papers!!! And I really do fancy the green-yellow monopack of Bazzill :)

I'm leaving for Oslo in like, 8 hours or so, and I'm STUCK at what to bring! No, not clothes, but scrappingstuff!!

My original plan of only bringing pictures and get fresh stuff in Oslo seemed fine. Printing out pictures for five projects took a whole day (and a half) actually, because I'm not used to this, I like to focus at one project at a time and only print fresh pictures for that kinda. Anyways. The doubt of me being able to find perfect papers and stuff in Oslo (ridiculous, I know) in the end made me change that plan and go for finding at least some matching papers to the pictures in advance, so I that I wouldn't be totally lost when in Oslo, but GRRR!!! Now I feel ideas popping, like god, I need to use stitching and my sewingmachine on that and that project, and oo I need that ribbon and this and argh.... I didn't wanna bring this much!! And I feel like I have to stress and stuff so I can try and sneak in some time to half-finish one of the projects so I can get some real stitching on it and stuff and I wasnt supposed to do this, I was just supposed to pack and clean the house (lol) and stuff.....
I'm starting to see why some scrappers thinks these big scrappingbags and totes are a must.....I feel totally lost knowing I'll scrap away from all my stuff.....I'm so gonna think "crap, my chipboardalfa woulda been totally perfect here" all the time....and for some funny reason, I keep thinking "bloody hell bloody hell bloody hell" like a some kind of weird (british) tune in my head while trying to sort out which papers to bring and not and argh....

*really panicking* :(

And oh, I got a phonecall yesterday that the crop at Scraphandlern tomorrow evening was called off, so bleh....but I'll scrap with my sis & friend at moms place instead, so thats ok.... and I'm going to my very first crop when I get back, so it's ok. Just wanted to get some...experience...in advance...kinda....ohwell...*looks at watch* eep...need to go on figuring out what to bring! And which clothes to throw outta the luggage....:P

And oh, thank you so much for your comments Banglamarie and Synnøve Olava, I got to check out your blogs and wow, I must say, your works are SO inspiring!! So wanna try that kind of style on your recent layouts...freestyle.....you make it look so fun and easy! :)
