Good luck...
He and his basketteam are currently in Oslo to play two important matches - in hopes to qualify themselves to the League 1. They are currently playing atm... gogo! (he's the one in the dark outfit :p)

Heia Askøy basketballag!! Hihi :) De er i Oslo akkurat nå for å kvalifisere seg til 1. divisjon herrer.... en nasjonal divisjon, noe som vil medføre en god del reising i helgene dersom de greier det til neste sesong... lykke til!! :)

Now, I kinda suck at crops.
I don't really know why I attend crops, other than touching other peoples stuff (SCRAPPING-STUFF, DUH!!) all the time (I'm really bad, I just HAVE to touch and feel :p) and glaring on the desk usually featuring a paper and a photo not started at at all.
Last evening I sat staring at a piece of paper and a photo most of the evening. I tried several other papers to match the one I wanted to use, looked up in the air, sighed, stared blankly some more again, rinse repeat... for about two hours. True story. And I didn't start doing that until after an hour into the crop. Then it finally dawned on me - leave it alone - stop looking for matching papers, stop thinking of all the stuff that most surely would have been perfect but which are at home, just use the paper and only that one... add the photo, lots of journaling, a title and flowers stolen from my friendly neighbour (*wave Eli!*)... tada... I was lucky. I actually got a layout made. That does NOT happen too often - usually I just go home with an unfinished layout.. (I added swirl-blings and date when I got home but the layout was pretty much done!)

But. Crops are nice. It's nice to meet and see other women doing the same thing as you. To see the little thing they do to add details to their see their creative process... to see how they work... to see what cool stuff they have (how come they always have the cool papers and embellies and I don't! Oh right, I better shop eh :p) It's lovely to see other peoples layouts in real life - they're ALWAYS so much better IRL! And getting to touch other peoples stuff...stroke the new stuff....that never gets old ;p And I really like just being there even though I'm pretty quiet and's nice to just sit there among other talented ladies, soaking in the inspiration...and it's very nice to be allowed to do so.....that's nice :) Thanks for the evening ladies :)