Hambly is doing monthly product-showcases and this month was about using rubons and red/pink papers. Considering that February is the month of Valentines Day I wanted to use that as my inspiration. Oh, and also - because I love the Marit Larsen song "Steal my heart" where she sings "I love you I love you I love you" and I just simply love it - she sings it with like, the intense urge to say this phrase over and over and over again. ♥
The main-photo isn't all that - hrmf - prefer the closeups :) And I guess I might try rephotograph the layout itself sometime later today to see if it can get any better kinda..
I used Hamblys "Brocade" paper (magenta on jupiter red metallic paper - one of my fave color-combos from Hambly) for the "frame", freehand-cutting it then sewing it on the black cardstock. And as for rubons I used white "Antique frames" rubons and red "Hearts" rubons. I also mounted a white frametransparency over one of the rubon-frames, creating a 3d-doublelook. Me like :) Other stuff includes alphas from Making Memories and Scenic Route :)

I totally LOVED Sashas amazing mini (seen here) and was inspired to put together one of my own using the cute new "Classic Animals" rubons from Hambly along with old and new Hambly-papers..the size is approx 3.5x5" :) If you look close..you can see that I punched one of the cards wrong when making holes...*cough* Bleh. :p Anyways. Another colorcombo-fave here: Hot pink & orange!! Yum!! I like that the rubons comes with the name of the animal too - in English - so I decided to add the norwegian name on the back on the cards with leftover-AC thickers :)

Lagoon blue & red...mmmmm :)
Sorry...this mini goes into the ST Mini Album Idea book :)
In other news...I was scRapped by the ScrappeMania-girls! What a fun surprise - thank you girls!! :D I totally totally LOVE their layouts - they seriously did such a wonderful job scRapping and I love that they all have such diverse styles yet they're all such darn good scrappers!! (and hey I'm in one of those layouts too if you look closely lol)... soooo if you want to join and lift the same layout of mine that the gals did head over & check it out and link your layout to that post :) Feel free to link to me in comments too, I'd love to see what you've done :) :) There's a prize involved too - tags from Shabby Chic Crafts - cool :)
And ScrapScene ran one of their trendspot-posts yesterday and used one of my Hambly-layouts w/birdcages. Cool! :)
And oh, about the problem with the transition from lightroom to CS which I mentioned in my last post - ofcourse!! Thanks Kristine for the tip re. checking the preferences. Duh. I'm so stupid at times ;p Go to edit - preferences -external editing - the upper window is devoted to editing in CS - just pick sRGB as colorspace (mine was set to ProPhoto RGB by default) - & 8bits instead of 16 :) I assume if your incamera-settings is Adobe RGB then you should pick that one...I'll stick to sRGB for now (both incamera & lightroom/adobe), no need messin around hm?
Only two more days till my sis & nieces are here, guess I gotta speedyup trying to tidy the house somewhat for their arrival ;p
Title: Wonderwall - Oasis