and FFF :)

  1. My schweeeeet schweet schweeeet D700 ♥♥♥♥♥
    Can you freakin believe that the upper photo was taken w/ISO800 and the latter w/ISO640?? And no noiseninja involved!! Totally, totally, totally schweeeeeeeeeet :D :D :D I softened the latter photo somewhat, dragging the clarity-slider to negative (like, subtle blurring) and ran a vintage-action on it (the tulle and her sweater is actually more like fuschia-pink :p)
  2. My nieces
    Miss them already. See photos above :p
  3. Mad Men
    I have to's intriguing and it keeps well, twisting...but not really in the normal twisting way you'd come to expect from a TV show kinda I, twisting the other way kinda, or not twisting at all...just..normal life-twisting or somethin...hard to explain, but I really like do the show despite it kinda annoying me aswell :p (Don punching the man who told his wife that he (Don) was rompin' with his (the punched man) wife?? liek wtf talk about blaming others for your own deeds ><)
  4. Pushing Daisies
    Cute!!!! Kinda hard to explain this show too unless you've seen it, and by just reading the plot it does make you think it's a too silly weird show...but....loooove the style/genre of this show (what is it called? kinda naivenostalgish?? uh??? anyone? Hm. Kinda in the same gate as Amelie I guess..?) And I just adore Kristin Chenoweth :) :) And Emerson's expressions. Priceless :D
  5. I'm not sure wheter to put Gossip Girl ('s my guilty's silly and it's sorta catty and it's sooo soapish and I love it......*blush*) or House MD (Hugh Laurie. Nuff said!) here. Both I guess. ;p

And there you have it! :p
Have a nice weekend :) I will do my best ;p

Oh btw!! Had such luck asking about Lightroom last time so I'm trying again; I did fix the colorthingieproblem w/ Lightroom to CS, but still have a petpeeve left: if I wanna save the changes in CS it automatically gives me .tiff (The only options for file format in external editing in LS are tif & psd as far as I can see) which is sorta not too bad but still annoying cause I want it to remain jpg and have to do "save as" (I hotkeyed it now but it's still a few more steps needed than necessary kinda). Anyone have any quick & smart solutions to that?? *hope*

Title: The Show - Lenka