
I asked Cristy during the prenup shoot: "Can you swim?" and she said yes. Next thing we knew, she was gasping for air, panicking and pulling Derwin down after the first jump. I did make sure the pool wasn't that deep so nothing could ever happen but that's certainly one of our funniest behind-the-scenes bits ever.

Couples who have worked with us will know that we love bonding with our clients. It makes the smiles natural. With Cristy and Derwin, it was bonding to the max. Our prenup turned to a 2-day vacation consisting of trips to a resort, their friend's pool house, malling, pigging out and a night out where Joannie went to the Cristy's bridal shower-cum-gimmick and I went with Derwin and the male entourage on their stag party.

We genuinely want to come back to Cristy's place already for more R&R. We love you, Cristy! We wish we're next-door neighbors.

Here's their smashing/splashing SDE! Photos coming up next!

