I've scrapped three layouts today!! Yay! Isn't typical. The thought of being without my stuff & to not be able to scrap for a week or two scares the heck outta me and forces me to scrap whenever I'm able. Yay. Made one for the Scenic Route monthly challenge (but kinda read the deadline wrong - was just thinking I had the whole April...) and another for a challenge about the perfect kit/favorite stuff. I love mixing products and I've had this kind of layout in my mind for a very long time, so it was cool finally being able to scrap this one. Besides. I'm trying to multitask here; been saving these scraps for so long that it's finally good to be able to throw them away now that I've used them in the layout I was intending to make "someday"....:) Oh. And the third one is for the M-game(and a combined DW challenge) so I can't show it yet.

Oh. I also hear that they actually featured three of my layouts in the new Norwegian mag "Vi Scrapper". Cool! Can't wait to see the mag myself - Dinna was so nice & agreed to buy it for me while in Oslo :) Yey. Updated the slider too. Wow. :p

Ahh.. tanken på den forekommende "null-scrapping"-perioden skremmer meg litt - så mye at jeg faktisk har scrappet tre LO'er idag...! Yay! En til en SR-utfordring, en til en annen og en til the M-game! Damn I'm so good! *smile*

Ohwell - filmtid! Ciao! :)


...or well, that's at least what this website tells me. Based on my writing (I copy/pasted the last blogentry) I'm apparantly a male. Wohoo? :p That link, along with this very cool link to help you look for misspelled Ebaylistings and other often cool reads, can be found at Wise Bread - a website devoted to give you tips on how to live on a budget and other related themes. Although it's mostly for the american audience there's a lot of interesting stuff & tips there for those of us who doesn't live in the States.

Anyways. On to the BIG news. Oh yeah. Vacation? Check. Bigger and better house? Check! Yep! That's right! The plane is booked, most of the hostel/hotel-reservations has been made......and...we're selling our house & moving into mother-in-law's soon-to-be-old-house. Starting this weekend we'll start packing the not-so-needed stuff ++ so we're ready to move stuff over in a mo, and there will be a lot of painting to be done and blah blah. So. I'd estimate a 2 week plus-minus where most of my sparetime will be devoted to this...packing, painting, unpacking, getting settled & stuff. Fun!

So. Gonna try & squeese in scrapping whenever I can cause...the thought of being without...for a longer period of time....scares me :p

Yay! Alle de bra tingene skjer visst på en gang....altså; ferien vår er booka og greier, det meste er kjøpt/bestilt/reservert (er fortsatt litt usikker på leiebil-delen - erfaringer mottas med takk!!), og nå skal vi jammen meg flytte også! Ikke så fryktelig langt da, en sånn en eh, 300-400 meter nedover bakken ellernosånt (ikke quote meg på dette, jeg er ikke så sterk mht måleenheter og sånn...greide å oppgi ganske nylig til hagesenter-personalet at jeg skulle ha gjødsel for en 100kvm hage når tomten vår er noe sånt som 670kvm... *blush* ). Så jeg kommer vel til å være litt opptatt fremover ...sånn med flytting og sånn..skal male masse i det nye hjemmet vårt...barnerom og gang og tak og halve stua og kontoret.....yay! Dette blir gøy!

Legger ved en layout jeg lagde idag, fikk litt panikk av tanken på at flytting = minimalt med scrappetid så må bare utnytte hver ledige stund fremover til dette...liksom...=) Dette er mitt bidrag til denne rundens PGkonkurranse, en lift av Annette Knutsen :)

Aahh...so much going on that I'm soon going ....crazy or my head'll explode or whatever. BUT! The important things first:

My little Amalie turned 2 yesterday!!!
Happy birthday little sweetiepie!

Ofcourse I couldn't resist buying her a pair of butterfly-wings under the disguise as a present from her big brother. HOW COULD I NOT?? *smile* Just look! *aww* I'm so so so in love *giggle* Okayokay, I kinda went a bit rampage in photoshop, especially with the latter picture -- tbh I think it didn't work out that good - need to burn the areas around way more to make it really good - like...either do or don't.. but ohwell...Simens comment? "Sooo over-the-top! Stop glorifying our kids". But again. How could I not :p I love editing, I think it's pretty much close to my 2nd hobby these days - or actually, I'm photographing and editing way more than I actually scrap so....

Okay. One of the all-consuming tasks the last few days have been planning our vacation. We're like, let's do this. No. Let's do that. Naa, lets do this then. Aargh! Anyone of you have any firsthand experience with economycarrentals.com ? Their low prices are kinda crucial to make this vacation a go, but how safe is that!? Please let us know. Atm the plans are flight to Prague then rent a car and go to Vienna and Budapest ++.

And then there's the moving. Which is about 90% positive a go. Mother in law has bought a new apartment, and we're just waiting to know how much our house actually is worth before we will know wheter we actually can go for her house or not. Hopefully we'll know sometime this week...

And oh. Somebody finally got me into facebook. Yay. Another thing to spend my precious time doing. Bleh.

So. Yeah. Lots on my mind atm. Lots of things to do, things I wanna do, things I need to do. Which in turn kinda yields me like, zero scrappingtime. Bleh. But I think I'm gonna try tonight. Need to scrap!

Så mye som skjer - ferie, mulige flytteplaner og ikke minst -- AMALIE som ble to år!! Wee!!

O.o guess what arrived my mailbox yesterday! Or well, arrived my mailoffice 2 days ago - I was just lazy and didn't fetch it until yesterday......but!! The Digital Photography Book, Understanding Exposure and Imperfect Lives are now mine! The two first ones are photobooks (duh) - and I'm so superexcited about these. I mean....with chapters titled "Pro Tips For Getting Real Sharp Photos" (Yo kids! No more blurry pictures cause you don't care that mommy wants a picture or two of you & you just keep running!), "Shooting Weddings like a Pro" (I'm going to a wedding in August!!), "Shooting People Like A Pro" (with a SLR, duh) and "How To Print Like A Pro" (my pet pevee!) ...and with an undertitle like "How to make your photos look like the pro's!" - well.....who wouldn't be excited and stuff....I just hope I'm able to comprehend the content and actually become better too! The latter book is a scrapbooking-book that I've been wanting for a while. I love pretty, sweet and cute pages, it's not that - but I think I have a secret crush for real pages - pages that shows life, your personality, your darker sides....no, I'm not trying to diss these sweet pages - they are part of the real life too and I love creating these...but I'm fascinated that scrapbooking can also be used to show how you really are, how things are/have been, the side that you might not usually tell others kinda because we're all taught to smile and say we're fine even though we may not be. Not necessarily sad pages, but ..pages where you show more of your own personality and share who you are. I'm too much of a chicken to be there yet myself, but it doesn't stop me from thinking such honest pages are fascinating and admiring others who make these and aren't afraid to show others.

Have been planning our very first, real familyvaccay the last few days - driving around in Central Europe with the kids visiting people in both Vienna, Austria and Debrecen, Hungary - and take some time off in both Budapest and Balaton and I'm soooo psyched about it! Been getting lots of great tips from both the ladies at Minneriket and the guys at SR, searching the net for cheap places to stay at and inquiring about prices and availability and trying to plan the whole thing day by day and I really really think it'll be a nice vacation. Even with kids aged 6 and 2 in the backseat. Across Europe. Really! And! Joy! I thought I had to get myself a new passport but I don't - my old one is good for another year! Wohoo! (that's 1k NOK saved mind you!) So just need 3 new passports, not 4!

Anyways. Lots of talk today - adding two recent layouts - one was a scrapliftchallenge from Carrin; I was to lift this layout. I even used the same paper-line. The lettersize one is my contribution to ScrapJack - jackin' Heidi Swapp! Love that girl!

Cheers & have a nice weekend :)

Ps. Have a look at Meme Cats - too funny (ok...a bit "game-language" there making it fun but :p)

Ahh hentet tre nye bøker igår - to fotobøker og en scrappebok - gleder meg skikkelig til å lese de!! De to fotobøkene så virkelig bra ut - krysser fingrene for at jeg skjønner noe og klarer å bruke tipsene i praksis - og scrappeboka - Imperfect Lives - som forresten har en layout fra Malin (aka Boop :) ) med - har jeg hatt lyst på lenge! Jeg elsker søte, fine sider om de morsomme tingene i livet - men jeg fascineres kanskje litt mer av sider der folk virker ærlige om enten seg selv eller om de mindre morsomme sidene ved livet. Mindre morsomme sider scrapper jeg - trass, unger som er lei seg eller slår seg og sånne "enkle" ting -- men å være helt helt dønn ærlig med meg selv og scrappe litt alvorlige temaer om meg selv? Nei, jeg tror ikke jeg tør det - ikke helt enda. Men jeg jobber med saken. Tror jeg. Prøver å nærme meg sånn, litt mer seriøse temaer innimellom. Sånne seriøse...sånne der en åpner litt mer av seg selv liksom. Jeje.

Vi skal på ferie forresten! Er kjempespent, blir vår aller første "ordentlige" familieferie helt alene - sammen! Sånn med unger altså, har vært på ferie alene før vi fikk unger da, men ikke etterpå - ikke der det bare var oss to som var de voksne og ansvarlige liksom...skummelt...og spennende! Skal kjøre nedover Europa til Østerrike og Ungarn! Hihi. Har fått masse hjelp og tips allerede men tar mer enn gjerne imot fler! :)

Layoutene her er forresten en utfordringslift jeg fikk fra Carrin og Heidi Swapp-scrapjack'en :)

Ha en riktig god helg!!

This weeks prompt at Em is "my parents". This is one of the first pictures with me and both my parents..I guess there's some from the airport when I came to Norway, but I've only got pictures of either me and mom or me and dad....here we're at home...finally a little family...me, mom and dad. It says "happy days" at the bottom....they had some problems by then...but I really do believe they had some happy days ...especially when I arrived....well..I gotta believe that don't I.. I like how the little clock frames our hands together....makes the whole cards balance a bit off-centred, but ohwell. Once again a simple card, but I love how Ems cards makes me think some things through... one theme at a week... you know..kids sense a lot of things. I remember asking dad when I was little (maybe not so little...ten-eleven maybe? possibly younger..)....if he had a backuplist of women he'd be with instead of mom....if things wouldnt work out between them... I don't really remember his answer....but I remember being anxious about his reply and how he'd take it...and me really wanting to know who these women would be if he did have such a list.... that was way before their divorce...I really don't think I actually knew things was that bad...maybe it was just normal curiousiness? I also recall following dad at the airport when he was gonna say goodbye to his mistress..now his wife...they came home from a long trip in Pakistan together with some other people (he was doing a lot of these kind of stuff when I was younger, long travels to countries far away to help them establish their own sign-language and deaf organization and stuff). I was kinda wondering if he'd really kiss her goodbye or not..with mom inside at the airport... I dunno why I was thinking so...was that when they were separated? I don't think so.. did I know about their problems then? I can't remember either. Must have known, why else would I be curious about them and how they'd say goodbye... hm. Memory's a fuzzy thing. I guess they were separated by then. Must have been. Dad, sorry if you're reading this....but well..this is a part of the past now...my past too... besides...I love you both a lot. Am just not good at telling you but I hope you know :p

Anyways. Watched 300 yesterday. Neat movie. Cool woman. Love the photography and the style. Some of the same techniques as Sin City (ofc...both adapted graphnovels of the same style/genre). Lovely. Here's a photo of me and Simen in the elevator on our way home...eating icecream from McDonalds.....:D I wanna take more pictures of us together. Makes me happy. Soh!

Ukens kortutfordring fra Emily handler om våre foreldre. Syntes dette bildet passet bra - en av de første bildene av oss sammen etter adopsjonen. Hele kortet er helt offcenter og ubalansert...men jeg liker hvordan ghost-klokken ringer inn hendene våre...så den får bare være sånn. Var på kino og så 300 igår; måtte seff. benytte sjansen til å ta et bilde av meg og Simen. Jeg tror jeg vil bli flinkere til det. Sørge for at midt innimellom alle ungebildene så bør det være et par av meg og Simen. Sammen. Sådetså.

I'm happy to announce the creation of my blog.

My hopes and wishes for this blog are to feature photos from recent sessions and to keep visitors up to date with all the new things I'm working on. I am excited to bring this feature to my website.

Thanks for visiting!


Don't you just hate that!? You're staring at the pictures and the papers, but nothing comes to your mind. Nothing. You know that the picture is oh so scrapable, and the papers are perfect to it, but how...how to let that show?? Gah. That's how I've been lately. Sucks. Big. Time. So, what am I spending my time doing instead? Learning more about photography, about editing in photoshop and stuff like that. Fun fun - but no fun without the final step; scrapbooking the pictures. Gah.

I've been watching Heroes lately too - a totally MUST SEE series. Really. It's kinda like X-men, just with a deeper exploration of the background and several very nifty storylines elegantly woven together. Or whatever you call that. Am so totally addicted.

Ohwell. Adding some of my M-game layouts for March. I'm *almost* done with my first for April. And we're way past half the month. Grr.

Btw - a very funny must-read; Metrodad's open letter to all toddlers. Hilarious, that man sure can write and it's so funny reading about children from a man's perspective. Love his blog :)

Sliter med en veldig kjip uhm...kreativ tenkepause...av den ufrivillige sorten. Får ikke til noe for tiden, så jeg tilbringer den heller med å prøve å lære meg mer om fotografi og om redigering på Photoshop. Og til å se på Heroes med Simen. Heroes er en skikkelig bra serie, årets beste...kanskje den beste jeg har sett på et par år til og med. Veldig spennende og fascinerende og med solide, bra storylines som elegant flettes inn og med masse in-depth characters og sånn. Litt som X-men, bare dratt ut og fleshet til og ja... lagd til en serie. Må se - jeg tror TVNorge eller TV3 har kjøpt inn den serien....ikke gå glipp av denne når den kommer på norske skjermer!! Og så skal vi snart se 300 på kino. Wee :)


Ahh...home sweet home! Opp halv sju for å rekke 8-flyet, spise frokost og drikke kaffe mocca sammen med en liten pip-pip, rakk innom Scrappejungelen en kjapp shoppetur før jeg dro dit jeg skulle (tusen takk for selskapet + skyssen Gøril!) for å holde nybegynner- og minialbumkurs for fem ivrige og dyktige Stavangerdamer i regi av Papirloftet :) Rakk til og med å få med meg Sola-stranda og en liten fotosession der (tusen takk Vivi Ann!) før jeg tok flyet hjem igjen :) *sliten* Sløvet litt på sofaen med en rullekebab før jeg orket sitte foran PC'n igjen :) Alt i alt en kjekk dag, håper dette kan gjentas til høsten :)

Look at this little big beauty! Happy birthday Becca! :)

Se den nydelige niesen min - kan du skjønne hun er ti år idag!? (det er vel ti hun er er det ikke Pia ....*blush*) Holder på med kortet hennes nå - jeg er sååå treg *shame on me* :) Meg og datoer suger forresten...trodde et øyeblikk først hun hadde bursdag 9. april.... og er veldig usikker på om Amalie har bursdag 23. eller 24. april....Simen sier 23....så da er det vel det da *smile*

Ahhh....I just simply LOVE LOVE LOVE Scenic Route!! Can you tell?! So pretty much my pp-fave manufacturer hands down. I'm so bad at combining challenges these days - so here's a 'pure-SR-joy' layout of our kids + youngest nephew playin together - calling them the three muskateers cause they're like, runnin around all together playing, even Amalie...heh...she hangs around the big guys..and they're letting her...most of the time at least :) The second one is my contribute to the Fiskateers-scrapliftthingie - I was so lucky having my own sketch/layout being drawn along with two others, and the next challenge was to scraplift either of us...and as I loved Mayas sketch I thought I'd give it a try :) Kinda flipped the sketch upside-down.

And oh!! It was brought to my attention that I actually did make top ten at LifetimeMoments Designing with 2007 for March... I really really missed that one, had a glance on the list the other day on their forum and thought bummer....no top ten for me this month (kinda managed to make the list for Jan and Feb so it'd be fun to make it a 3rd time kinda)...even spoke to Kathrine that bleh didn't make the list this time. Then the newsletter arrived and I just skipped that part as I had seen the list before...then Sydney brought to my attention on Minneriket that I did make it afterall. I'm such a ditz. Cool! Adding that layout to this post as I haven't posted it here before I think....it's made after one of Gydas superb sketches :)

Oh. Me and Simen are in one of our movieperiods. Borrowed lotsa movies from a friend and spend our spare time watching them together. I love watchin' movies with Simen. It's been a while I gotta admit - when TBC launched we just became so busy with leveling up then doing raidage and instances in the eves...now that we got most of the instances and the raiding-content under our belt (at least until we start with the new raidinginstances) we've become more effective and thus got more spare time. Hence spending time to watch movies lately. (Non WoW-players - just ignore the gibberish above :p) Been watching Babel (very fascinating and well-made), Letters from Iwo Jima and Flags of our Fathers (war is a horrible thing..no doubt about that.... interesting movies though and funny thing - Clint Eastwood directed both movies simultaneously - one Japaneese movie with the Japaneese point of view, and one American one with the American/alliance point of view. Ambitious much? Sure. But he did a great job as usual.) And tonight....we just watched....Shortbus. I dunno what to say about that movie. Really. Guess you'll just have to look for yourself - on your own responsibility. However. If you can look past the....uhm... sorta weird things eh...being done.... it's actually a very very good movie. A movie about relationships and people...real people...being exposed...emotionally...I really liked that movie -- bar some scenes...ugh! Fascinatingly gross. Heh. But I do recommend it.

Hm. Have a feeling I forgot something I wanted to mention here, but it's now like, 2am so I better jet to bed now :) Need to make sure everythings set for Saturdays class in Stavanger. Wee. Flying down early morning and taking an eveningflight back home. :)

Tre layouter denne gangen; to med de nye *LOVE* Scenic Route-papirene jeg nettopp fikk i posten - sukk...Scenic Route......so lovelovelove!! Og en gammel en - som ble laget til Gydas skisseutfordring og som ble fluet med en DW2007oppgave og som faktisk kom med på topp-ti for mars..yay! Gikk egentlig glipp av akkurat det der; så kjapt gjennom lista på forumet til Lifetime Moments og registrerte bare at bleh, kom ikke med på lista denne mnd...jeje... men så var jeg visst der allikevel *blush* Anyways. Hm. Min aller første stående dobbel!! Wee! Laget etter en skisse fra en Maya på Fiskateersbloggen. Likte skissen og da jeg tok disse bildene visste jeg at de passet perfekt til denne :)

Sent nå - må fikse ting og tang og gjøre alt klart til lørdagens scrappekurs i Stavanger + gjøre ferdig noen kort på bestilling før jeg reiser.

Ps. Har hatt den linkepreviewgreia her en stund nå; hva synes dere egentlig om den. Er den irriterende? Burde jeg fjerne den? Hmm. Jeg er usikker, den er litt irriterende der den ikke skal benyttes (men den brukes på absolutt alle linkene i bloggen uansett - er enten alt eller ikkeno), men den er grei der det er meningen det skal være link da....til eksterne ting..hmm..

My card for this weeks promt; "Bird". Well. I don't really have any relationship with birds, but uhm, you know.. giving someone the bird? Well. I guess I gotta confess I've done so at least twice the last three weeks. It's silly I know. It's patetic and so childish and so...primitive....and very very rude.. but yeah...when driving...when other people do stupid things (I never do stupid things when driving, nooononooo *cough* *winkwink*) I can be pretty hotheaded and if pissed off enough I may show someone the finger. Ridiculous and I'm tryin to stop that - imagine if the other person really saw that and I knew him/her. How embarrassing! I never do so when the kids are around or when Simen is with me. He thinks I'm silly for being annoyed with other people when driving. And he's so right. But jeez some people are just so stupid. And some acts just annoys me :p
Now. Having a card showing the bird woudln't be very nice, so I just made a nice birdiecard with a minienvelope with the note inside. Stop flippin' the finger. Pronto. The envelope is made with a BG magnetic snap to keep it closed.

Anyways. Gonna teach scrapbooking in Stavanger this saturday - a beginners class plus a minialbumclass. Ofcourse all my minialbums of this kind was given away for Christmas, and I haven't taught this class since, so I had to make a new one. With Scarlets Letter! Amazing. First time ever using the papers. Wee! This one will be pretty simple - it'll just showcase my uh..practicephotos...non-kid-one for now...just pictures of stuff like the chair and gate and stuff. The title is a kinda tribute to my fave photoblog these days. And I thought it sounded very cool :p Oh, adding a smaller minialbum from Christmas that I haven't shown before. Yay. And stuff.

Ps. Thanks to Roth for this very interesting read. Take a famous virtuoso and have him act like a street musician playing on his 3.5mill$ Stradivari; will the passerbys recognize the quality of the music?

Viser noen bilder av minialbumet jeg lagde til lørdagens minialbumkurs i Stavanger (bilde 2-3). Alle de gamle av denne typen var gitt vekk, så måtte lage en ny en. Er litt fantasiløs for tiden så det blir en ganske enkel en - en slags fotografibok der bildene står i sentrum. Øver meg på å bli en bedre fotograf og noen ganger er det litt ok å ha et sted å vise de bedre bildene på liksom. Derfor er det ikke så mye stæsj på denne inni da. Tar også med meg en mindre minibok til inspirasjon - en som er mer pyntet inni - men det er den store vi skal lage på kurset.

Noisy day. And it's friggin SNOWING outside. And it's not the cool or nice kinda snow, but the WET and icky kinda snow. Jeje.

Some of my late finds;

Stefan G. Bucher. The guy behind 344 and the Daily Monster. I'm not sure if I actually like his art, but it's fascinating. And I think the readers go at his inkspots are often very cool and nice. Like Emily Wong's version here. Pretty!

The Image is Found. I'm pretty sure I've linked this one before, but what the heck. Love the inspiration from the pictures and to "listen to the life of the pros". Same thing with Mike Colon.

Storypeople. Small, cute and sometimes weird stories straight to your mailbox. Often it's small snippets as if you were entering in the middle of something....me like.

I don't understand how cruel the world can be at times. Or well, I know it's rough, evil, and bad... but I still don't get it. Like poor Kamilat, and many more with her. How can this actually be a widespread and common act in some cultures?? It's not the first time I've read about it, but now it got a face. I just don't get it.

over to lighter notes. Or maybe not. Two semi-serious layouts. Adrians picture turned out somewhat slightly dramatic, so I thought I'd play on that and build the layout somewhat hm..gothic and dark. Love the Daisy D papers. Think this combo was nice - green and black.On second thought I shoulda swapped the alphastickers and the title - I think it'd be even better balance-wise with the title on top of the picture and the longer text below, but ohwell. Glued the title first thinking it might be room for the text next to it so bleh. (Btw? "Be fair"? Maybe "be just" is better?). He's a good boy. Really a good boy. And I so hope it'll stay that way.

The second one is a somewhat bold one. I struggled with this layout all day - molesting several papers in the process. I wanted to try include something blue, for Rhonnas colorchallenge (the above layout is also for that one - green), but kept going thru so many diff papers. Hate that. Finally went back to the original C&S idea (how typical ><) and felt like writing something about how lucky she is. That she's lucky being born in Norway, a relatively safe and good country. That she's born into a family who loves and adores her so much (amazingly and sadly enough, even that's not a given for everybody). I know. Bad things happens here too as for anyplace...but at least she's given a good, solid fundament (I hope). I'm gettin all emo lately - guess it's the age. Dunno if it can still be called blue though, the way it ended. But there's the blue strips and the blue transparency....and besides.. I tried..:p Will try again tho. I think. :)

I am having fun! Really!
Last one is an rotten egg!
Not much to say about today, just wanted to upload some pictures from yesterday - we took the kids & the youngest nephew to an indoor playground. Yes. They had fun. Lots of fun. Heh. More photos can be seen at my Flickrpage. I kinda decided it was fun to edit the photos, but that it wasn't fair to bug you all with my photos here on my blog. So I'll post some here and more at flickr. Ahh. Can't wait for my Cherry Arte papers to arrive. The middle picture would just be oh-so-perfect for Cosmic Energy, don't ya think? :D Wee!

Ps. Yo flickr-godesses! At what size should I resize pictures to for flickr?

Oh. I totally forgot. My top ten list of what makes me happy these days, in no particular order - courtesy of Jessica Sprague:

1. Actions. Photoshopactions. Makes lousy photographers like me seem like pros! (almost :p). They are so much fun to play around with, change the layers and opacity and add some curves and whatnots....and a simple action becomes fully customized to your needs. I'm addicted!
2. Time. Time to edit my photos. Time to play around with actions. Time to scrap.
3. My Nikon d70s. My 50mm 1.4 nikkor lens. Muchos love!
4. Sleep. Being allowed to sleep to 10-11am (thank you Simen!)
5. Browsing through photosites and blogs. Amazing. I love getting lost wandering from one photoblog to another.
6. Actually getting around to scrap! It takes longer and longer these days; I keep getting lost in front of my PC "just looking for a better picture" "just trying another action to see if it makes the photo better" "just soaking up all the amazing inspiration from scrap-&photoblogs gettin lost"
7. Colors! Vibrant colors! Colors that pop out and almost hurt your eyes because it's so vibrant!
8. Doing successful, painless and swift heroic instance-runs.
9. Noticing how these heroic instances are becoming less of a pita.
10. Kind, sweet, darlin' kids being nice allowing mommy to spend some alonetime doing any of the above!

Hm. Notice a pattern? Yep. I'm becoming more and more obsessed about photography and the post-processing of photos.

Tryin to get my scrappin' mojo back; a simple layout about Adrian & TuvaMy ubbah sketch

My Fiskateers layout - Becca & Adrian being ready for the amusementpark.

Ahh! How very cool! Browsing the net this morning I found out that I've won at the Fiskateers - I mailed in a layout + sketch (you can tell I'm no sketch-maker heh) and waddayaknow, my name was among the lucky ones being drawn out! Cool! Head over here if you wanna do part 2; make your own layout after the sketch one of us 3 winning girls made :)

And. Wanna know something funny? Two days ago. April 4th. That was my 27th year here in Norway. Kinda like my 2nd bday no? Really, I've never thought about that until maybe two years ago..then I started thinking and being aware of this date. I was adopted to Norway when I was 7 months old, and I've always been aware of that fact - ofc - how else do you explain why I look so diff from my fam eh :p Anyways. It was just a natural thing - mommy and daddy wanted a baby so much that they wanted me to come around the world to them - and lo and behold - mommy actually got pregant shortly after so I was to blame for my little sis. So for us it's never been that a big deal - and I haven't been that interested in my past before mom and dad (for a little while I wanted to try learn Korean, and I guess dad still got the tape with the language-lessions, but I lost interest long before they arrived :p). Still am not, but I'm fond of this date and it makes me happy thinking how happy mom and dad must have been on this day. And how lucky I am that *I* was the one to be adopted (they settled for a boy before me - gender didn't matter to them, but that adoption didn't work out and they were offered me instead). Funny how little things makes such a big impact. I came to Norway. Got a wonderful family. I met Simen. I got Adrian and Amalie. Now this is what I call being truly blessed :)

Been trying to get my scrapping mojo back; I forced myself to do this layout of Adrian and Tuva - cousins & playmates. They instantly clicked the last two times they met and kept runnin around yellin & playin around like, hi and low :p Guess they're in the right age for that now :)

Ohwell. Have a nice Easter y'all with lots and lots of candies & yummy food!! :)

Noen ganger lønner det seg å henge på med div. nettutfordringer; idag fant jeg ut at jeg var blant de heldige som ble trukket ut hos Fiskateers skisseutfordring; vi skulle lage en egen skisse og en layout etter skissen vår. Aner ikke hva premien er, men det blir visst en liten overraskelse i posten - kult! :) Runde 2 er igang nå; nå er det deres tur til å lage en LO etter våre skisser...har du tid og lyst så bli gjerne med - det blir trekninger denne runden og gitt :)

Ha en riktig god påske alle sammen - med masse snop og god mat, gode filmer (vi har leid casino royale og babel :) ) og lange, late dager! :)

NBNBNB: I added a new feature this morning; the link-preview thingie. PLease do let me know if it makes the blog load really slow or if it's okay. I like it, actually, I love it -- but if it makes it load slower I'll have to remove it...

I know. I've been a lousy scrapblogger lately. I've been scrapping lately! Just not as frequent as usual.... BUT! I made this layout at the latest crop I was at - but when I got home...and was about to put it on the blog....it hit me that it could be misunderstood...cause....we've been arranging an egghunt at Minneriket, me and Kathrine....and I thought that if I put this layout on the blog people would definately think that it was the egg they were supposed to find...heh.....(one of the teams actually thought it was on my blog -- they dug up an old layout about Amalie stealing our eggs at home and thought that was it :p That was funny :) ). Anyways. Here it is. Once again. Pheobe. Wow. I guess I dig these papers then, as often as I've used them.

The second layout is my contribution to the contest at Papirgleder last round, which made it into top 10 - very cool, didn't think this one would make it :) It's a lift of Gudrun Loennecken :)

Hehe - da var påskeeggjakten på Minneriket over for denne gang - tusen takk til alle som var med på å leke med meg og Kathrine! Her er bildet av egget -- egentlig skulle vi putte den på løsningsbloggen: http://underexpediten.blogspot.com - men *noen* rota fælt med passord gitt (hele TO ganger...haha...skulle tro man hadde lært av første gangen man panikkleta etter passordet?? *fnis*) så vi fikk aldri satt opp bildet...men ja --det er et knust egg der under den ene esken....skulle egentlig ha den *under* expediten men det var litt vanskelig å løfte/fake knust egg under der så *fnis*

Uansett - vet det har vært litt rolig på bloggen min mht LO'er i det siste -- har bare vært litt sånn daff mht scrappinga i det siste! Men - her er to! En som ble lagd til liftecupen på Papirgleder og en jeg lagde under treffet hos Hobbykroken sist - men som jeg måtte vente litt med å vise her for ellers ville folk tro den var til eggejakta -- siden jeg tilfeldigvis hadde funnet noen gamle bilder fra påskeeggjakten i den gamle bhg til Adrian i 2004 :D

Ha en riktig strålende påske alle sammen - enten dere er hjemme foran PC'n eller oppe på fjellet....foran PC'n ;) Her skal vi rydde masse i huset - og kanskje på en liten hyttetur...definitivt kose oss hjemme iallefall :)
