Just moved in! (2002)
Our new office...pre-painting (pc & scrappingroom!)
Amalie "helping" out like kids only can! (our new livingroom - mother in law is moving)
Gross...trying to de-ice our old freezer :p (thank god for the big freezer in the new house :P)
Me cleaning & demonting the Expedit. (Adrian's the photographer & the cam is the mobile - not a good combo :p)
The inner garden in our old house (2002)

Yesterday/this night was the last night in the old house. The bed will be moved down today, as will the computers & the rest of my scrapping-stuff. Scary! The productivity has been low the last few days because of the move...but I'm trying to wrap up a lift for the PG-contest. It's just so. Boring. Plain. *sigh* Just don't have the time to dwelve further into this, have to finish it today and upload it so I won't miss this round. Even though it wouldn't matter with this layout. Ohwell. Wonder if I can upload just in case and then upload another layout if I manage to do another one before the deadline. *ponder*

Jeje. Uhm. *lost* oh. yeah. Haven't uploaded my pictures from the camera yet, but here's some from when we just had moved into this house back in 2002 and some from the cleaning&packing taken with my mobile. There's an excisting network in the new house (it's my mother in law's - she's moving out and we're moving in :p), so hopefully I'll be back on the net during tonight.

Oh. And. HEROES! Ohmigod. It's SO good. New ep tomorrow! Almost can't wait! (thank god for the net & stuff :P)

Siste natten i det gamle huset er tilbrakt. Idag flytter vi senga, dataene og resten av scrappesakene mine nedover. Har heldigvis nett der nede, så vi skal nok greie å koble til PC'ene og sånn i løpet av kvelden :) Her kommer en liten miks av nye og gamle bilder..synes poster uten bilder er litt kjedelige, så... =)