I had the most amazing weekend with the silly (hihi) girls from Bergen - travelling to Stavanger and Papirfest and all the cool, sweet, funny ladies we met there. We´ve been looking forward to this event ever since uh, April - March earlier this year. The weekend ended so abruptly...sigh....well, time to look forward to next year, eh? :)
Mmkay, shitload of piccies incoming - you´re hereby warned.

Eli and her husband picked me up at 6.30am. Way too early ;p
Note to self: start packing in advance....only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep ...yawn..
We dropped by work to pickup a copy of the newspaper.....Eli had both her husband and children pictured in there plus a little surprise-greeting from me and another friend at work because she (Eli! :p) turned so old *smirk* ;p
Had to snap a photo of her discovering the greeting :p

This is how it looks when scrapbookers are on sightseeing...cameras everywhere and you gotta be prepared to be snapped whenever (even if you're the one snapping piccies..eh)..noone/nothing is safe...:p

Jadda Eli ;p

More play with leaves! :)

Eli getting misty & thanking people for the gift for her bday :)

Had to take a piccie of my food - ofc ;p
(yummy - eggplant (aubergine), olives marinaded in olive-oil and fresh mozarella :) )

After the lunch we headed over to Scrappejungelen, did a lil bit of shopping then off we went to the Geo-park. Love how they have put together this industrial stuff and turned it into a pretty cool park for kids (and scrapbookers ;p) :) Trying to pose somewhat cool at the (satelite) disc proved bit difficult w/these heels...cough..
(*think* it was Eli who borrowed my camera here)
Ellen giving the swing-rope-thingie a nonchalant push.

Gotta rope in those crazy scrapbookers..

Trude Julie and Kine met up w/us - and more photos were taken :)

Kine brought along her übercool Fuji Instant....(on my wishlist for Christmas right along w/lotta film and a LensBaby and a photobag and a macro-lens and a 70-200 zoomlens and a diana and a holga and and and ...eh..)

It´s exposing!! :p

Eli hard at work with the other girls ;p

Me, Mari and her mother at the hotel-bar enjoying a drink or two (thank you!! :D) and trying to get a photo of us three together :)

Saint Vibeche....;p

Geddit Marie?? ;p

Attended a class w/Dina!!! :D
Had loooots of fun in her accordion-class....no photos of the class after I started to play w/the paint (
so I stole this photo from my fellow messydoer Marie ):

We had just started here.....brushes are for pansies ;)

My desk when we were finished....:P Darn..wish I saved that piece of paper.......

Spent some time w/that goofy American (*wave Dina*) and my dearest Tracie -
after knowing each others for two years plus, talking on the msn pretty much every day in periods...it was really really really great to finally meet her irl :) :) Just wish we had more time together...sigh :)

I´m so embarassed..........:p
(Sorry Tracie but I love this photo of us..me laughing into your shoulder... haha)

Us three (thanks Kristin for the help! :) )

Kine and Eli *loves* :)

The crop..

Lovely Fatima and Linda (Salte) :D

Fatima, Monica, Mari and Linda

Teehee.....just had to add this photo - just look at Linda go WAIT FOR MEEEEE! :D

Somebody forgot that the timer on the camera was set to 2 secs.....
(it's now set to ten ;p)
(and Ellen and Kristin...I SEE YOU!!!)
Ps. Shame we didn´t have an organized groupphoto of everybody at the event...that woulda been great....this was just like 1/6 of the ladies attending..

Me, Oddbjørg and Tracie jumpin´:)
(Thanks for the help, Eli! :) )
Eli and Gry oogling Ellens owl-bag at the airport....:p
And that was all, folks.
Well. Almost, but....can´t bore you w/even more piccies..
Thank you so much for the weekend.....loved every single bit of it!!!! Just wish I could have spent even more time with you...esp those of you I didn´t really get to spend that much time with as we´d liked (which's pretty much everybody come to think of it...wish I could split and be several places at the same time :p)...so many people around, so much happening....
PS! For those who wondered. I started on a layout on Friday. I finished the (same) layout on Sunday. YEah baby I DID A LAYOUT!! WOhoo!!! ;p