I posted this layout on the Pink Paislee blog the other day.


I dunno. I’ll admit it, I like this layout. Despite the ambivalent feelings I’ve put in this.
It has, however, after two days, not garnered any comments on the Pink Paislee blog so far. I guess it’s too controversial (how come?), and/or people dunno what to say (most likely). Or it’s really an ugly layout and I don’t see it because of the feelings invested in it.

wordit_cu4Nevertheless, I’m glad I scrapped it. I like the mix between the lovely and the not so lovely (like, the heart and the spidey-button. I HATE and am terrified by spiders). wordit_cu1

And to play with bling.
This layout consists of a mix of all the new collections by the way, Parisian Anthology, Hocus Pocus and Sweetness.wordit_cu2

And I love the new shape of the flip notes.wordit_cu3And I’ll say it again. It’s funny how words can change personal connotations, turn into meaning something completely opposite for one self. And I think it’s weird that if I see or hear that word, I get ever so slightly physically sick. Still. So thank you so much for doing that to me.

(yes yes the latter was tongue in chic if you didn’t get it :p)


In other scrappy news:

  • Fancy Pants Designs are looking for new designers - here's their Creative Team Call! It's been a true delight to design for them the past years (hm, I think it's been two and half years? Or maybe just two..), and a scrappy dream come true to me. Do apply if you're lovin' their designs - you won't regret :)

Have a nice weekend – I know I will, with good friends to practice my English with for the upcoming PACS-classes ;)

Title: “You Oughta Know” – Alanis Morissette.