My best friend Joey (Jocelyn) came up for a very special portrait session earlier this month. Her little baby just turned one and it was time for some awesome photos.
You might remember me doing her newborn session in their Milwaukee home last year. I designed custom baby announcements that were printed on linen paper...

Another one of these monster-posts I seem to post lately. Soz!
Pencil-Lines was guested by Denine Zielinski, who provided us with a darn cool sketch :D Loved it! :) I took the oppoturnity to scrapbook some photos of my husbands grandmother, who unfortunately is terminally ill. Sigh. Cycle of life I guess, and she's in a good mood despite the cirumstances which makes it a lot easier for everybody, herself included.
I love how Fancy Pants "Delight" is such a ...delight :p It's kinda perfect for layouts involving err, older people (do I sound ignorant now?? or just silly..), and those nostalgic, old photos (next weeks PL-layout is using "Delight" aswell - just w/childhood-photos of myself). Anyways. Im proud of myself using !!!three!!! rubons on this layout!! And you just gotta LOVE the gorgeous & generous heart-rubon used in the middle of the page...and I adore this little pocket & phototags made outta the cards-paper :)

Spent the past weekend w/some scrapping buddies. Photos galore & stuff..
♥ u! :)


(I love sheep!)

The results of our Round Robin in the middle of the night :)
It's like, pure genious to scrap fresh photos you've just taken and have it scrapped by everybody in the photos :)
(Round robin: everybody gets like 10-15 minutes to add something to a layout before passing it on. By the end you've got a layout which everybody's contributed to :) )

Right. Mom's coming over tomorrow and Adrian's turning 8 this weekend. And I am struggling w/a nasty headache and have too much I should have done like long time ago. Yay. Have a nice weekend? :p
Title: Fairytale - Alexander Rybak (yah yah. eurovision. wohoo)
I met Anly when I worked at a web and design company. Fast forward to today, we finally met Omar who was unti then just on our imaginations as he was abroad. This SDE is special because of many firsts: It was our first time shooting at The Greenery which was a breathtaking location and this would be our first cinematic orchestral video. Anly was sure of one thing for her SDE - solemn. Thank you Anly and Omar, we hope your video is as memorable for you as it is for us.

I met Anly when I worked at a web and design company. Fast forward to today, we finally met Omar who was unti then just on our imaginations as he was abroad. This SDE is special because of many firsts: It was our first time shooting at The Greenery which was a breathtaking location and this would be our first cinematic orchestral video. Anly was sure of one thing for her SDE - solemn. Thank you Anly and Omar, we hope your video is as memorable for you as it is for us.


and FFF :)
- My schweeeeet schweet schweeeet D700 ♥♥♥♥♥
Can you freakin believe that the upper photo was taken w/ISO800 and the latter w/ISO640?? And no noiseninja involved!! Totally, totally, totally schweeeeeeeeeet :D :D :D I softened the latter photo somewhat, dragging the clarity-slider to negative (like, subtle blurring) and ran a vintage-action on it (the tulle and her sweater is actually more like fuschia-pink :p) - My nieces
Miss them already. See photos above :p - Mad Men
I have to's intriguing and it keeps well, twisting...but not really in the normal twisting way you'd come to expect from a TV show kinda I, twisting the other way kinda, or not twisting at all...just..normal life-twisting or somethin...hard to explain, but I really like do the show despite it kinda annoying me aswell :p (Don punching the man who told his wife that he (Don) was rompin' with his (the punched man) wife?? liek wtf talk about blaming others for your own deeds ><) - Pushing Daisies
Cute!!!! Kinda hard to explain this show too unless you've seen it, and by just reading the plot it does make you think it's a too silly weird show...but....loooove the style/genre of this show (what is it called? kinda naivenostalgish?? uh??? anyone? Hm. Kinda in the same gate as Amelie I guess..?) And I just adore Kristin Chenoweth :) :) And Emerson's expressions. Priceless :D - I'm not sure wheter to put Gossip Girl ('s my guilty's silly and it's sorta catty and it's sooo soapish and I love it......*blush*) or House MD (Hugh Laurie. Nuff said!) here. Both I guess. ;p
And there you have it! :p
Have a nice weekend :) I will do my best ;p
Oh btw!! Had such luck asking about Lightroom last time so I'm trying again; I did fix the colorthingieproblem w/ Lightroom to CS, but still have a petpeeve left: if I wanna save the changes in CS it automatically gives me .tiff (The only options for file format in external editing in LS are tif & psd as far as I can see) which is sorta not too bad but still annoying cause I want it to remain jpg and have to do "save as" (I hotkeyed it now but it's still a few more steps needed than necessary kinda). Anyone have any quick & smart solutions to that?? *hope*
Title: The Show - Lenka

Quick news...and a (large) peek of sundays PL-layout cause I feel bad posting without these kind of images here kinda :p
Got a layout picked up for Memory Makers Special Wedding Issue - wohoo! :D
I am truly happy because I really love this layout myself...lovely, lovely Hambly making it so easy to create elegant layouts and all that stuff......:D
Recieved my Bella BLVD stuff the other day - soo looking forward to play with the papers & embellishments :)
In the middle of reading "the Graveyard Book" and I LOVE it :)
Oh yeah. I cut my hair. All by myself. Not a good idea. BLeh.
And - Luxe Designs have a special "once in a LUXE-time deal" - image says it all :) Click on it if you're interested in this deal :)
Title: "We will not grow old" - Lenka
Sheila and Dennis is a very charming couple who planned and arranged their wedding while they were abroad. They wanted it simple but of course memorable and made the right decision to tie the knot at Fernwood Gardens. Simple, solemn and beautiful - just like their song that'll make you want to sleep all day feeling light and bubbly. Sheila and Dennis, we're lucky to be part of this day in your lives.

Sheila and Dennis is a very charming couple who planned and arranged their wedding while they were abroad. They wanted it simple but of course memorable and made the right decision to tie the knot at Fernwood Gardens. Simple, solemn and beautiful - just like their song that'll make you want to sleep all day feeling light and bubbly. Sheila and Dennis, we're lucky to be part of this day in your lives.

I've been absent from blogging... Vegas takes a lot out of you!
Here are some shots from a recent bridal session at the Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas... a full update early next week.

Here are some shots from a recent bridal session at the Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas... a full update early next week.


Sundays Pencil-Lines-sketch was provided by Anna, while Miyuki Kawano guested us this week :)
I took this opportunity to scrap a quite recent photo of Amalie showing off her watch - if you look close you can see how her eyes are crossing because of the watch - haha :p Have to say that the Fancy Pants line "Arctic Chill" is really growing on me - been using it lots lately!! :) I also feel darn good using a lot of rubons (to be me) lately, considering I usually have a hard time actually getting around to use rubons...used five different rubons on this layout..
Okay, lots of photos incoming - mostly for mom and stuff :p
My sister & nieces arrived on friday :)

Noen ble litt skuffet stakkar...:p

*hjelp meg istedetfor å ta bilder av meg dumme søs!!*

(neida..alle var kjempeflinke altså :) )

Passet supert!! :D

Title: Fuel by Marit Larsen