I've got like, everything and nothing to say atm, so here's a bulletstyle list w/various information:
- My friend Anam Stubbington and her family are struggling w/legal matters in order to get to stay in Canada (they're originally from the UK but have made a life for themselves in Canada and would like nothing more but to stay). Basically it boils down to having the money for all the papers needed to become permanent residents, and in order to raise enough several friends and aquitances have come together to show support by offering items or services to be auctioned off for this cause. You can see the sticky post here, and among the auctioned services are having a layout created for you by several amazing scrapbookers...and me.. (see above photocollage of the contributing scrapbookers) The minimum bid is 5$ + shipping of the final layout.
To Norwegians who'd like to consider having a layout scrapped by me: Hvis dette er noe du kunne tenke deg - støtte en god sak & få bildet ditt scrappet av en annen en annen enn deg selv - så kan jeg f.eks. ta med meg layouten til Papirfesten i Stavanger i oktober (for å spare porto) eller hvis du bor i Bergen eller omegn kan vi sikkert finne frem til en løsning ang. overrekkelsen av LO'en.
Anyways - do check out the complete list of auctionitems - lots of awesome stuff - jewelleries, classes, gift certificates and more - not necessarily scrapbook-related.
- Fancy Pants Designs are having another contest - "Back to School", where there will be one selected winner and one random winner. Unfortunately only open to US residents.
- Hambly Screenprints are having a limited ed. sale on their new designs! Every time Hambly prints new designs they print them in various colors/combos before finally settling on a few colors for mass production - leaving the rest of the non-used colors "limited ed" :) (at least that's how I understood it). Also, the DT-galleries are updated :)
- I'm starting in a new job on Tuesday!! :)
Been jobhunting for two weeks now (but it feels much much longer because I've been preparing for the actual jobhunting for weeks prior) and am happy to finally get to actually do something sensible ;p I am nervous and anxious but also very optimistic about this...yay :) The job is as a photographer at the local newspaper, and it's only a 15-20min walk from home..meaning I really should be using my legs more and stuff.....if only it wouldn't rain so darn much atm *cough* *cough* (and if anyone would like to have a look - here's my portfolio)
- I love having scrapbook-friends over....especially the kind who comes over just to help me tidy up & properly organize the scrapbook-room...really!!! *thanks you know who you are ;p* I guess I should snap a photo before it gets messier again, but 1. we still have like 20% of the room left 2. I think I might have messied up at least my table and stuff already *eeks*....but it's only because Im in the middle of a project!! Promise!!
- Looking through my Lightroom I realize I haven't been taking any photos the last few weeks but the assigned ones/photos of layouts and projects...so I promptly snapped this one by the little one....it's a well-known expression of hers these days...the pout-face..

And then I looked through photos from this summer and found some I haven't shared here before..from the first wedding of the summer..

Love this one - who needs languages when you got a DS and bodylanguage?? (Adrian with the french kid)
Have a nice weekend :)
One of our most unique and rewarding experiences is Mich and E's prenup shoot. Do stay tuned for the wedding layouts!

One of our most unique and rewarding experiences is Mich and E's prenup shoot. Do stay tuned for the wedding layouts!


The photos are from this summer when we visited my grandma ♥

On Saturday we attended the beautiful wedding of a friend of ours. The celebration took place at a sea-food restaurant on an island close to Bergen, Cornelius Restaurant, and we took the boat over, taking the scenic route before arriving the restaurant. Not being the appointed photographer as I've been the last few weddings I've attended was quite relaxing and great actually - but yeah - I did bring the camera with me :)

Oh, and that the food is just put on a plate in front of me and I'm not able to be too creative w/how to shoot it. Unless I wanted funny looks from the people around me I guess..they thought I was being a bit weird taking photos of the food as it was sorta :p

(In Norway one of the things we sorta do during the dinner is to tap the glass w/the cutlery (like when you're gonna do a speech and need everybodys attention..only that everybody does this at once) - then the bride&groom have to stand on their chairs & K I S S :) Well, the groom just stood here because this way the kiss was more comfortable for them, but originally..they're both supposed to stand on chairs :p Just like the fifth photo found here). The bride's originally from China, and had her parents attending (aswell as guests from the US and England..and I believe there was someone from Serbia there too)...I wonder what they thought of this tradition..or if it's a commonly known one abroad too..??)

And here's the bride & groom - who changed into more Chinese gear by the end of the evening :) The jacket of his is so cool and she's so gorgeous and sweet and I'd totally totally love such a dress (and a body to go with it too thankyouverymuch).
Hope you all had a nice weekend aswell! :)
Title: "Just Like Heaven" - Katie Melua

Over at the Nikki Sivils blog the dt-team has created a lot of stamp+card inspirations. Here's my contribution - a quite simple card using the cherry stamp from "My sweet Cherry Pie" & embossing.

And here's my Nikki Sivils layout for Aug using "Henrys brilliance" & a bit of "My Sweet Cherry Pie", aswell as a two year old photo of my oldest first day at school.
Have a wonderful (rainy) weekend! :)
Title: "This Time Tomorrow" - Marit Larsen

I can't thank you enough for everything that you did for us. We had an absolutely amazing wedding. We love you! You have an amazing job! you get to experience the joy and happiness of life! WE love and are so thankful for everything that you and Bonnie did for us.
I know I was not one of your "platinum" brides; but in my heart i felt like it! Thank you again for everything! We love you!
Allana & Carlos
Allana & Carlos
Photos courtesy Martha Ramirez of UDS Photo
Video courtesy Leo Espinosa of DVP Studios
Wedding Planning and Design Tiffany Nieves of Dream Design Weddings
Allana & Carlos from DVP Studios on Vimeo.