
My oh my.

Lovely little Baby K had such a serenity and patience seldom seen in such babies (or maybe I haven’t met that many babies) – she stayed awake for whole our meeting and never once flinched her stare.



*sigh* is there anything cuter than small babytoes? :p


The whole session was such a pleasure, and better, with each babysession I learn more and more about how to photograph little babies…I’ve got some ideas I want to test out… now, I just need to start taking notes because I always forget some things from session to session, hrm…or do this more often, so things really stick…luckily I’m gonna meet my nephew again in just a few weeks, just need to find time in my busy timetable to steal him away from his mommy…

Nevertheless..thank you so much for having me take your pictures, baby K (&momma) :)


Until next time..