This is a picture I did not take of Amalie at a small office in the hospital grinning broadly from ear to ear and her head at a cute tilted angle, stretching her tiny hand in front of her eager to greet my doctor as he was shaking Adrians hand getting to learn his name. Amalie saw him get all that attention from the doc and decided she wanted a part of it too and jumped the gun so to speak almost trying to push Adrian away so she could shake hands with the nice man too.

I just discovered Unphotographable thru Photojojo - a site devoted to pictures you wish you had taken but didn't because you were to slow on the shutter, the manual settings on the camera was wrong for the situation, you forgot your camera in your car, you took the photo with wrong focuspoints and so on and so on. Still - you want to tell the story of the picture and by all means who says you can't??

I hereby declare war..
Yep! I hereby declare war on lightbulbs and stuff!
I'm trying to swap out the remaning lightbulbs in the house with the energy-saving-kind. Dang expensive but hopefully it should be worth it in the long run. However - those halogen-spotlights ..... I'm damn sure they're like, mocking me!!! They're supposed to have a lifespan of two years (Hmmmm!?!?) yet I'm damn sure the one I had to swap just now was the one I swapped just a few months ago..?? Gah. So. I grabbed my sharpie and wrote the date on the new halogenlight..... and I'm so gonna do that with all the other lightbulbs I'm swapping from now on!! And if they only last for like, say, less than a year instead of two or even three (as some of the packages claim)...well..uh...I dunno.....but then I'd know for sure :P

7 random things about me
  • I love to bake.
  • I hate to clean up. (bad bad combo)
  • I wish the day didn't start sooner than say, 11am.
  • I am pretty much always constantly tired or sleepy.
  • I never get hangover *flex*
  • I wish I was a little bit taller (dammit...stupid song stuck in my head now!)
  • I don't drink coffee (and am hereby not a real grownup according to mom and dad). I do however make exceptions for coffee-bar-kinda-drinks preferrably involving chocolate too :p Hey. There's gotta be a connection between this and #3 and #4!
So. I love to bake and make snacks and stuff. Really tryin to cut down on that kinda stuff but coudln't resist this one - melting a little butter, a plate of light chocolate, a bag of marshmellows and a bit of rice crispies. You see - I keep browsing around the net - see a wonderful reciepe or picture of some kind of treat or whatever - and immediately want to try it out aswell. Happens. All. The. Time. Ohwell. The kids haven't complained so far :p

Lagde litt god snack tidligere idag (tomt er det og, bleh)... smelt et par spiseskjeer smør i en panne på svak varme... brekk i en plate kokesjokolade (jeg brukte lys) og rør i en pose marshmellows til alt er smeltet og godt blandet.. ha i rice krispies (tror jeg tok ca 8dl), bland godt og legg det utover en bakepapirkledd plate med litt sprayet matfett på. Press massen flat med en slikkepinne og avkjøl hele greia før du skjærer den i ruter. Yum! Merkelig nok er det ikke noe mer igjen av dette her..jeje :p