Slightly bored despite several assignments waiting here. Thought I would put up a before/after photo taken the other day.

I really like how it turned out. Shot in JPG I wanted to try take photos of Amalie while taking a stroll outside. Not so easy when I'm holding the camera at a distance with one hand while the other is trying to hold her hand - a number of shots was of the surroundings rather than Amalie. Still - these kind of "accident" shots sorta have their charm.... if you know how to pull out their colors.

Adjustments in photoshop includes: Adjusting the levels - now, I'm not too familiar with all the phrases and stuff but the histogram was a bit clipped (I think is the correct word) the histogram doesnt cover the whole spectre/line?....adjusted the sliders to when the histograms sorta started. Looked immediately much much better. Then I added medium contrast in curves and opened the red and green curves respectively and "pulled" out the colors a lil more... went into hue/saturation and for the color yellow: made it a lil more saturated and brighter. Unsharp mask and a lil duplicate/screen-mode and voila...lush fall-colors.

So. Don't immediately discard those dull, boring photos. Play a bit with photoshop and discover the possibilities :)